🔴The Town That Went Mad ~ "Robin?.."🔵

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Tw: implies character death

Robin Picture ^

Backstory: Town that Went Mad. Please watch that if you haven't already! I don't feel like getting the link 🙄
I don't really have a backstory for this, but it contains spoilers.


~Third Person POV~

Robin was helping Jack with the potatoes, getting them from the ground and putting them in a bucket for them to be cleaned,

"Robin!! Can you get me some water from the well?!" Corpse yelled.

Robin looked at Jack, who nodded in response.

"COMING!" He yelled, putting the last few potatoes in the bucket.

"Thanks for the help Robin!" Jack said. Getting up and putting some potatoes in the bucket as well. "Of course Jack! I have to get his water now- can I borrow a bucket of yours?" Robin asked, walking over to the pile of buckets.

"Yeah, sure! Put it back when you finish with It though." Jack responded, picking up his bucket of potatoes. 

"Thanks Jack!" He said, grabbing a bucket and running off to the well.

A few minutes later he arrived at the well, and put the rope on the handle of the bucket.

He grunted while trying to crank the bucket into the water. As he was trying to put it down...

He fell..




In a deep




He didn't try to scream...

No one would even hear him...

He just thought to himself...

"I'm sorry Corpse, for not getting the water...

I'm sorry Jack for not being able to return your bucket....

I'm sorry Helga for being annoying..

I'm sorry....for not being responsible..."

~POV C H A N G E (corpse) still third person..~

"..robin? Where are ya bud?.." he looked around the town for the little orphan boy, seeing no one around.


He looked over at the well, seeing the rope down the well..but no robin...


Corpse stared at the well, not moving, but instead letting tears fall down his cheeks.


This is a filler chapter- 😭🤚

Word Count:364

I'm so sorry for not uploading recently, I'm currently writing something with the Masquerade- I finished writing this at 6:34 am-

Forgive me if it's literal shit-

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