🔴Fundy - "I miss you fox boy.."🔵

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Another Request!
this is part 2 of "Fundy come down"

Ty @Maddipusso for the request!
**this took way WAY too long to get out, and i apologize for that**

wordcount: 433



its been a week since fundy died. no one has seen his ghost or anything showing the presence of him. at least, not that we know of..

i kept a small picture with everyone from old l'manburg in it beside my bed. i had it for as long as i can remember, but all of a sudden it meant a lot more to me than just friendship or memories from before the whole betrayal.

i gather my things and start walking out of my castle.

before i left i made sure to grab something to drink, it specifically being alcohol. why did i do this?..i cant remember.

i started walking to his grave, passing by a few people on my way out. they all gave me the same look of concern. i could've sworn i heard fundy's voice but i didn't say anything, as i was passing by Tommy.

Tommy said quickly, "you alright, man? you look like shit." i only nodded and walked faster.

i heard him leave the area. finally..no ones around..

i kept walking to the grave, holding my hands in a tight ball along with the bottle of alcohol. i felt a few tears escape my eyes but i try to hold myself together until i at least get there..

i finally get there and the moment i saw his grave, i couldnt hold it together and started crying.

**Narrator's POV**

Eret had slumped over the late fox's grave and held his gravestone in his arms tightly. the kind started repeating the phrase, "im sorry"

at this point, ghostbur had floated over.

"Eret?.." the ghost asked, "..are you..alright?.."

the king didnt answer, and couldnt look toward the ghost.

"..whos..um..whos grave is that?.." Ghostbur was clueless. he couldnt remember, considering it were his own son that was gone.

"...its..its nothing..just a friend.." Eret mumbled, sighing afterwards.

"...okay- well, im gonna go then..Bye Eret.." Ghostbur said with a bit of concern in his voice.

Eret nodded. "Bye Ghostbur.." he waved and watched ghostbur leave.

Minutes turned to hours and soon eret got up.

"..i miss you, fox boy.." He left.

Ghostbur stood behind a building with someone..

"was that your friend, Fundy?.." the ghost asked

"..yeah.." fundy replied, "..it was.."

and scene- omg i put it off for so long... lawd..

im still working on stuff so,,yeah lol

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