⚪️ Masquarade ~ If James went to the Present⚪️

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have this unfinished story i wont ever finish- (words: 544)

Cw/Tw: Alcohol

This doesn't really have a backstory, but it won't make sense if you didn't watch the videos 👀

~3rd Person POV, With James~

The tall-ish man sat in a chair downing glass after glass of expensive wine.

"..James? Are you okay?" A females voice asked. She seemed concerned for him, but all he did was nod...

"..you can talk to me you know that right?.." she added.

"..I-I'm fine Leoria..just leave me be please..." he replied, slowly turning to Leoria. She nodded her head, walking away. The sound of her shoes soon fading away, leaving James alone with his thoughts.

He hung his head and rested it in his hands soon after.

"..I'm a mess.." he thought out loud.

A few more drinks later, he heard a noise and walked towards it, seeing a purple light emitting from the small spare room. "..what the hell..?" He said, walking towards the light.

After he got to it, he saw it was a...portal?..

"WHAT THE FUCK??—" is all he said before being swooped away by it, and the portal disappeared.

As he was falling through the portal, he looked around and was surrounded all shades of purple.

He saw a bright light before falling through the end of it, landing in a bush by a castle.

"...where in gods name-"

~3rd Person POV, With Karl~
The man with a purple trench coat had been talking to Eret since he needed help.

"..so how do I make these?.."

"..okay, so first we take the........."

~Small Timeskip to when they were making the chocolate cookies~

"..Eretttt! I put too many chocolate chips into the dough!.."

Eret chuckled and responded with, "it's fine, they're gonna taste great Karl!"

Karl continued to mix the chips in until he thought it was mixed enough. He quickly wiped off his flour covered face and hands. Karl then took the dough and rolled it into small balls, (hehe 😏) putting them on a baking sheet.

He looked up and through the window seeing the leaves rustling in a bush.

"..hey Eret?"


"..do you have rodents of any sort?.."

"No? Why?.."

"..there's something moving in the bushes—"

A head popped out of the bush, revealing a very confused and cut up Man. Karl squinted his eyes are then his eyes widened, filling with tears.

Eret looked over at karl and asked him, "..Karl?..you okay?"

Karl didn't answer, but instead, he dropped everything he was holding and ran out of the castle.

~3rd Person POV, With James a g a i n~

The brunette looked over and saw a tall-ish man running towards him. The man had an apron on, and was covered in flour.

He seemed to be crying.

"JAMES!!" The man running screamed, soon after, jumping into his arms.

All of the Taller's speech was muffled because of his face being buried in James' chest. James had felt some warm-ish water on his shirt and new that this man was crying. 

"...im sorry, but who are you? and how do you know my name sir?.." he asked and all the Strange man said was.."oh..."

James sighed and looked down at Karl. He stared at him a little and put a few pieces together.."..karl..?.."

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