⚪️SBI ~ Sick!Tommy⚪️

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tw:throw up! :(

📍Techno is visiting the UK for a bit and covid cases arent common anymore for this storyyy📍

Backstory: tommy got sick and the sleepy bois take care of tommy while his parents arent at home for the week!

ugh..i feel terrible..ive been throwing up, getting really hot then cold at random times and ive been coughing and sneezing! i honestly dont know what could be happening to me..

..ah shit- i have to stream today..i can always delay the stream right?..ugh..fuck this man..

i got out of my bed and walked to my desk, powering on the pc, i look over at my phone to see a few text messages from tubbo, and wilbur.
New Message from: Bee Boy                        Sent: 8:19 am
—Tommy? you aeake yet?
New Message from: E-Boy Wilbur                Sent: 8:43 am
—Tommy, wake up, we have to stream today

i text them both that im getting on the smp now. even if it was 9:27 in the morning.
New Message from: Bee Boy                            Just Now
—okay, greta! ill be waiting ^^
—great* sorry about that 😅
New Message from: E-Boy Wilbur                     Just Now
—ill be waiting, C:

i put down my phone, open minecraft and hop onto the server.

i walk around for a bit until i see tubbo, and he messages the chat for me to join vc.

i join the vc hes in, which has the one and only wilbur soot in it already.

"..hello tommy!" Wilbur greeted

"hi tommyyy!" Tubbo yelled, making my head pound

"..ello wilbur—-" i sneezed "—hello tubbo..."

"..hey- you alright mate?..you sound sick.." wilbur asked, worry laced in his voice
i replied with
"..im fine wilbur, just a bit sick is all—"

i heard the discord leave call noise twice. and thought to myself, "..what the fuck?..i just got on and they left?.."

i get off of minecraft and go back to my bed, and lay down.

~time skip~

i wake up to the smell of chicken soup (lmao i hate talking about food and shit smh)

i look around to see, wilbur, tubbo..phil...and technoblade?- WHAT THE HELL IS TECHNO DOING HERE??

"heyy, look whos up!.." i heard Phil say, then he followed it with, "Good morning Tommy..'

"..wha' the fuck-.."  i am SO confused- Phil, Wilbur, Tubbo and TECHNOBLADE are in MY HOUSE.

yeuah i cant finsih these theyre so cringe worthy

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