Chapter 26

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The end of the month rolled around and it was Halloween. We didn't have anything traditional planned. However, Aidan and I were invited to a Halloween party hosted by two kids in both of our classes. I had no idea what I was going to dress up as but I knew I wasn't going as something sexy.
Aidan for one was going as a country boy as he had cowboy boots and a plaid shirt, for whatever reason he refused to tell me.

Aidan and I were planning to walk to the party as it was only a short distance to walk from the house.
"You still don't know what you're going as?"
"Nope, I was just going to just wing it.... wing it, I'm going as a dragon!"
"Of all the things that fly, why a dragon?"
"Because asexuals and dragons have a special bond that's been around since the Renaissance era. I'll just go find some tape and anything that's the same colour and just wear that."
"Ok, makes sense."
I headed over to the one drawer in the kitchen and the only colours of tape I saw were black and white
"Great, black jeans, black hoodie...I'm going to be a black dragon with white details."
"Alright, but hurry up, I want to be fashionably late not late."

I took out my hoodie and handed it to Aidan.
"Can you be my model? Just wear it and I can tape it in place so I know it will look good."
"Fine, if it helps move things along."

He put my hoodie on and zipped it up. I started with the tail and taped two pieces so it was secure and cut it into the shape of a tail and fashioned it to the hood with safety pins.
"Tail is done. All I have to do is the wings and horns and call it done."
"Can I sit down now? My legs are getting sore."
"Now you can, but you'll need to sit down in a chair facing backwards. I still need to make the wings and attach them."
That's when I got out some white printer paper and made two symmetrical wings with a black tape border surrounding them.
I also folded and taped the paper to make the horns.
"Now to tape everything in place and we can leave," I said.
"Praise baby Jesus."
"I'm gonna need you to stand again so I can make sure everything is secure when I tape it down."
Aidan stood up again and I secured the wings and the horns.

"I'm going to go change, if you want to bring anything with you, get it now."
I sprinted up the stairs and changed my jeans and shirt so they matched my costume.
I met Aidan at the bottom of the stairs and I took my hoodie back and put my only pair of black boots on.


We were almost a block away when we could hear the music playing.
"An hour." Aidan said.
"I give it an hour before this party gets shut down."

Of course, all the girls were wearing sexy costumes. Some girls went far enough to wear lingerie and some form of animal ears in an attempt to pass as an animal.
A sexy dog handed us two red cups and told us to follow her around the back where a vampire was drinking beer out of a pool noodle. It was at this time that Aidan took my hand and turned me to leave.
"I've been in this situation before, and it didn't end well. We need to leave."

I didn't want to fight him nor did I want to be there anyway. So, we left in a hurry. I took two bottled orange sodas that were in the cooler by the front door on the way out.

We started waking home and the further from the party, the faster Aidan ran. I was practically sprinting by the time we got home.
"Aidan....why.... were.... we running?"
"I'll...explain later...right now we're home and we didn't drink at that party. That's what matters."
"Alright, I snagged two sodas on the way out. It's not stealing if we were there right?"
"Nice, so what are we gonna do now?"


At least we all got some good action shots of everyone's Halloween costumes. Along with a dragon and a cowboy, we had Charlie as a steampunk engineer and somehow making their oxygen tank look like a jet pack. Arty decided to be a plague doctor because "why not?". Jackson was a biker, Alyza was an eighties dancer complete with legwarmers, and finally there was Em...who dressed up like the goddess she is. She made her own costume from an old sheet and she looked like a Greek muse. How she never told me she sewed until today would always boggle my mind.

Meredith snapped our photo and we all headed in two directions. Either downstairs to watch some cheesy horror movies or into the den to play horror games. I chose to stay up here and play Robot Repair with the boys and Arty. Basically, the way Robot Repair works is you play as a mechanic whose job is to fix animatronics for a film and entertainment because there was a bug in the system that caused them to malfunction and kill people.
It's a pretty interesting game and we established a system where there's an order to play and when you die, you pass the controller to the next person.

By the end of the night, we had successfully beaten a third of the game and had been jump scared too many times. Meredith came by and gave us strawberries and marshmallows to dip in melted chocolate.
"Because you all didn't go trick-or-treating, you should have a little sweetness every once and a while."
"Thanks Meredith, any updates on Katherine?" Em took a strawberry.
"She has a brace for her spine and she's been doing well in her group therapy sessions. She has PTSD but she's doing exposure and group therapies and is doing a lot better overall. Her therapists think she's ready to go home in the middle of November, isn't that great?"
"It's amazing, will she keep doing her group therapy sessions?"
"She will, they take place on Sundays so she won't miss any school and she has medications she will need to take. But she won't be coming home for a while."

Jackson had practically polished off all the strawberries and was getting ready to start snacking on the marshmallows.
"Now that Halloween is pretty much over, what are our plans for bonfire night?" 
"Well, I was thinking of just lighting a fire outside and roasting a couple of marshmallows. We can discuss at a later date. For now, it's time for curfew. You don't need to sleep yet but it's time to spend the rest of the night in your rooms."

At that point, I was pretty tired so I changed into comfy clothes and retreaded to bed and fell into a sugar induced coma.

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