Chapter 28

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Meredith got back and she started making preparations for the fire to celebrate bonfire night.
"I'll need someone to gather sticks and such for kindling. And could someone strong chop firewood?"
Charlie and Aria volunteered to gather sticks, and Arty and Jackson took turns cutting firewood,
I stayed in with Aidan and we made toffee apples with homemade sauce. Alyza and Em were building the spot to have the fire and moving outdoor furniture around in a circle. By nightfall, the fire pit was ready and everything was good to go.
Arty was video chatting Carson who gave them a step-by-step guide to starting a fire. Eventually we got a blaze going and Aria brought out the marshmallows and the toffee apples.


The night was in full swing, we saw fireworks coming from down the road and happily munched on our marshmallows and toffee apples. While we were eating, Meredith needed to step inside to take a call. She wasn't in there long, but she was in a hurry to get to wherever she needed to be at that moment.

She stepped out again and started to put her jacket on.
"I'm sorry everyone, but I have a very important meeting to attend to, it involves you and your Christmas presents. I hope you can forgive me for leaving on such short notice."

"Don't even worry about it Meredith," Aidan said. "You were here for most of it and that's what matters."
"I suppose you're right. Well, I best be going now. In case you're all asleep when I get back, I hope you all had a good bonfire night, and goodnight."

We all headed in too at that point. Aria put the fire out and we all went into the living room to finish the rest of Robot Repair while sipping hot cider. Aria decided to hit the hay herself while the rest of us stayed up and bonded over fixing killer robots.

At around eleven, we decided to clock out for the night and retreat to our rooms. It was at this time that I had gotten a message from Nico.

Nico: Hello darling, it's been a while since we had seen each other and I wanted to know how you were doing?
Me: hey lover boy. Me and the fam just celebrated bonfire night and had toffee apples
Me: what about you?
Nico: celebrated my sister's birthday. Hard to believe she's 19 now.
Me: nice
Me: tell her I say happy birthday.
Nico: I will, I forgot tell you the best part, we're going to be spending Christmas in Scotland to celebrate my parent's anniversary!
Nico: I'll get to see you again!
Nico: gtg singing happy birthday.

After he left, I saw that my phone was at nineteen percent so I rolled over in my bed to plug it in.

I decided to get ready for bed and headed up the stairs to the bathrooms. I decided to spice it up and do some self care because it had been a while since I had an old-fashioned self-care shower with most of the lights off.
Relying on memory and my flashlight from my phone, I got the water running and turned the lights off and my phone light on to keep away the serial killers.
I hoped in the shower where I was greeted by hot water and the comforting darkness. As I had a whole bathroom to myself for the time being, I didn't have to worry about where my hair products were due to me leaving them in the same spots every time. I got my hair and body washed and I just let the water run.
Eventually I decided I should be getting out as I didn't want to be he asshole who used up all the hot water in case someone else wanted to shower at night.

I got out and towelled off before I put all my overnight products in my hair to make sure my curls don't get frizzy overnight.

I put my sleepwear on and thought all about how Nico would be in Scotland for Christmas and how it had been so long since I had seen him last.
It was at this time that he texted me again.

Nico: i don't know if you're awake or not but I just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me.
Nico: from here.
Nico: you'll find out soon enough
Nico: goodnight Jordan
Me: goodnight Nico

I decided to stay up and flip through my technique book Fabio had gifted me again and read through any parts I might have missed the first time.

Turns out I did. Hidden underneath the book jacket was a message.

"Jordan, I remember the first day we met. It was a month after you had moved in and I was cutting your hair for you. You had asked me how someone could cut their own hair. I showed you and you've been doing it yourself ever since. The only time I ever cut your hair again was for your court appearance for your adoption. When your parents gave you up simply because you liked girls too, it broke my heart and I knew I needed to become the father figure in your life. So, for your sixteenth birthday, I got you this book you're holding. Come back and read it whenever you feel like I'm not there. I always am, and always will be.
Love from your father figure, Fabio."

At that part I was too emotional to do anything else and I went to sleep thinking about the two most important boys in my life.

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