Chapter 12

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Life in the house had no new changes, until the Thursday of September rolled around and all of us had to start classes that Tuesday. We were sitting at the breakfast table when Meredith insisted on taking all of shopping for back-to-school supplies.

"This will be your first year at school with a family that loves you all unconditionally. The least I can do is get you all backpacks and new school supplies. We also need to go shopping for uniforms. Thankfully you all are going to be going to the same school and luckily for you Arty, the uniforms are not gendered."

Arty silently pumped their fist and Jackson pulled out their sketchbook and started drawing.

"What's the name of this school anyways?" Jackson asked without looking up from his sketchbook. "Just so I have an idea of this school and it's art department."

"You will all be attending Inverness Hills Secondary School and Sixth Form. Jordan attends here and this was the school she attended when she first met me. Aidan will be joining her in Sixth form before he graduates. Now, we have lots to do today, and not enough time to do it. Furthermore, all I ask of you is that you all look presentable for your first day of classes. Your uniforms will be kept tucked away until classes begin, you will all get new shoes, new supplies, and a new beginning for you all."


After Meredith dragged the six of us around the Highlands, we ended up in a school supply shop where I helped the five pick out new backpacks. It was during Jackson's backpack selection that we hit a cross roads.

"If I get a black one, I can cover it in doodles with a white paint marker. However, If I get a white one, I could do the same thing, but I add colours. Aidan, what do you think?"
"You should get the black one, that way you won't have to worry about washing it and keeping it clean."
"Aidan, you're a pretty smart man. Alyza, do you think he's a smart man?"
"He's an absolute genius...Can we get going? I have napping to do."
"Oh, of course. Let's just check to make sure we have everything."

Meredith pulled out a small notepad and crossed them out as she went.

"Let's see, pens, pencils, backpacks, binders, permanent markers, agendas. We got everything. We can head home."

"Wait Meredith," Arty spoke up. "How do you feel about back to school haircuts?"
"I don't like forcing anyone to get one. On the off chance you get a bad one, I don't want you feeling self conscious if I can help it. You can get one if you want, but I won't make you."
"Great, glad we agree on something. It's not like I need one or anything."

They were very much wrong. Now I believe strongly in the five-second rule. If you see something is wrong with someone and it is something a person cannot fix in five seconds, you don't bring it up. However, in this case, Arty didn't know how bad their hair was and I felt like they needed to know.

"Actually, Arty I hate to be that guy, but you do kind of need one." I cut in. "You have severe split ends. The strands will keep splitting until they eventually break. The only way to get rid of them is to cut them off. I won't give you a cut if you don't want one, but I advise that you do."
"Well damn," Arty examined a few strands. "Can you get your hairdresser friend to do it? You deserve a break, Jordan."

"Sure, I'll text him later. By the way, has Carson spoken to you yet?"
"Not yet...You did give him my number right?"
"I did, I gave it to him myself. All you have to do is either wait, or send one yourself."
"Alright everyone, time to go uniform shopping."


"Everyone, give your uniforms to Aria, I will prepare lunches for everyone. Oh, and Arty-"
"Yeah, what's up?"
"I've made arrangements for a piano tutor for you. Consider it a "Back to School" gift for you. As for the rest of you, when I hear back from your tutors and mentors, I will let you know."

I started to head upstairs to pack my school bag when I got a message from Nico.

Nico: Hey Jordan, my family is taking a trip to Scotland before my sister heads off to Uni. Where exactly do you live?
Me: Inverness
Me: and congrats to her! I hope I get to meet her someday.
Nico: Actually, you will, we're staying in a city called Loch Ness if it's anywhere near you.
Me: Loch Ness aka the go-to place to spot Nessie?
Nico: Wait, that's where the loch ness monster is?
Nico: actually now that i'm seeing it, yeah i'm dumb...

Me: Aka the city that's only a 25 minute drive away?
Nico: 25 MINUTES?
Nico: i can totally visit
Nico: if your mom is okay with it of course.
Me: Ok, I'll ask

I was too excited to take it slow on the stairs and my leg paid the price.... again. I swear I'll have to get that looked at. I headed into the kitchen and saw Meredith finishing up a mountain of sandwiches.

"Jordan, I heard a thud coming from the stairs. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, I've just been falling a lot. Maybe I should get a doctor to look at it."
"Alright, I'll book an appointment for a later date. Did you come down to eat?"
"Yes and no, do you remember Nico?"
"That boy you met at camp who you're also dating?"
"Yeah, him. His family is taking a trip to Fort Augustus before his sister heads off to university. -"
"And you're asking me if you can either visit him or he visits here, is that right?"
" can he?"
"Oh alright, if it's okay with his parents."

I headed back upstairs, threw myself onto my bed, pulled out my phone and texted Nico
Me: She said yes!
Me: When are you guys flying up?
Nico: day after tomorrow.
Nico: We stay for the weekend and go back in time for school on Tuesday.


Wait, why did I say fuck? I have nothing to worry about.
I took my time heading back downstairs and I looked at the small mountain of sandwiches before me. Meredith looked at her creation in wonder.

"So, Nico's family is coming in two days. They're staying for the weekend and heading out before classes start on Tuesday."
"Don't worry, I'll force the boys to shower if I have to. You want to leave a good lasting impression of us to Nico's family. Don't forget, Aria's job is to help tidy the house. We will have everything ready for when his family visits."
"Meredith, I just love how chill you are."
"Love is love, your parents didn't understand that. I do, you love Nico and he loves you back. If Nico was a Nicole, I would still love you. You are my daughter. Maybe you weren't formed in my womb, but you were in my heart. Now, would you care to help me deliver these to your brothers, sisters, and Arty?"

"I'd love to, Meredith."

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