Chapter 6

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I woke up pretty early and decided to take a shower while everyone was still asleep. I made it quick as I'm not an asshole who uses up all the hot water and lets the rest of my mates freeze to death. I got out and as I was drying off, I got a notification from Nico.

Nico: Chocolate covered strawberries and crêpes for breakfast

And included a selfie of him in the restaurant with a stack of crêpes behind him.

Me: Wait, did you sneak into the restaurant?
Me: Breakfast isn't for an hour. Are they still setting up?
Nico: Pretty sure, yeah.
Me: Nico.... *Insert last name here because you never told me*, you little criminal
Nico: Two things, One it's Dalosio. Two, I prefer the term scamp.
Me: Isn't Dalosio the name of a frozen pizza brand?
Nico: No, now get down here wile the crêpes are still hot.
Nico: *while
Me: What? Are you crazy? I'm not going down there
Nico: Fine, there's a Pâtisserie next door that's open, want to go there? It's not in the rule book to leave.
Me: give me five minutes
Nico: Deal

I turned my phone off, grabbed my wallet, my key card, threw them into a tiny backpack, and snuck out without waking the others. Getting out of my room was only half the mission. I still had to get out of the building itself.

The way I'm saying it sounds like it was an impossible mission but in actuality, all I had to do was walk down two flights of stairs and leave through the main entrance. Nico was standing by the door like an edgy teen in the movies.
"I was beginning to think you weren't going to show. What do you want? The gentleman always treats the lovely lady."
"I'll just have a macaron; I don't want to ruin my breakfast. Saving room for strawberries and crêpes."
"You have your priorities straight, wish I could say the same about my sexuality."
"Wait, you're gay?"
"Nope, but I am bi. Girls and guys are both equally fine." He opened the door to the Pâtisserie and flamboyantly gestured inside. "After you M'lady."
"Wow Dalosio, Elliot was right, you are a ladies' man."
"Respecting women, unfortunately doesn't happen a lot in society. I want the future generation to drink that respect women juice. Feel free to go inside as I grabbed a bad hair tie when I tied my man bun. I just need to yank the hair tie out, one sec."

I knew he would have waited for me if I was in his position, so I waited. It didn't take very long and before I knew it, we were sitting in a Pâtisserie eating macarons early in the morning (to some people). I made sure to keep an eye on the time so we could head down to the restaurant without anyone thinking we snuck off to make out or something. About five minutes later, I got a text from Alizée.

Alizée: Where are you? Your bed is empty

"Hang on Nico, Alizée just texted me."
"Oh yeah, what's up?"
"She just wanted to know where we were. Can she join us?"
"Sure, the more the merrier."

Me: Nico and I are at the Pâtisserie next door.
Me: Come join us, we have macarons.
Alizée: OMW

"She's on her way."

Less than two minutes later Alizée had somehow gotten dressed and ready for the day.

"How did you get down here so fast?"
"Pretty simple actually, you said you had macarons and I knew what was at stake. So naturally, I came running. What did you guys get?"
"Just a strawberry macaron, Nico got a chocolate croissant."


The three of us chatted for a bit before I had a quick check on the time.
"Holy shit it's nine-fifteen. We need to leave before someone notices we're gone."

We wolfed down our pastries like we hadn't eaten in days and calmly walked back to the hotel before Nico and Alizée and I intended to go our separate ways. Until we both got in the elevator and pressed the button for the second floor.

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