Chapter 20

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Meredith got home and put all the shopping on the kitchen island.
"Whoever wants to come with me to see Jackson and hopefully meet Carrie and that other girl, come now. Otherwise, you won't see Jackson until he comes home."

Everyone headed into the car. I took the front seat with Arty behind me and Aidan behind Meredith.
"Aidan, here's a little something for Jackson, can you hold it?"
"Sure, what is it?"
"Lasagna from last night, just so he has a break from hospital food."

We pulled out of the house when it started raining. Not surprising considering weather in the UK consists of winter rain, spring rain, summer rain, and autumn rain.
"Oh dear me, it's really starting to come down out there."
The rest of us were doing our own thing. Arty was making playlists on their phone, Aidan was reading on his phone, and I was texting Nico.

Nico: oof, that must suck for Jackson hope he's okay.
Me: Yeah he got it out now and we're going to see him for the first-time post-op
Nico: say hi for me
Me: will do

We pulled into the café car park and got drinks for ourselves and Jackson. Meredith paid while Aidan texted Jackson in the group chat

Aidan: we're at the café across the road
Aidan: you want anything?
Jackson: anything but orange juice, apple juice, or milk
Aidan: sweet, we got you a lemonade.

We got our drinks and made our way across the road.
"Do either of you know what room is his?"
"Yes, he's in room one-fifteen. I'm going to speak with Carrie's doctor in regards to her adoption and care. Call me if you need to find me."

We got to the elevator and went our separate ways. Meredith went to an information desk while Aidan, Arty, and I headed to see Carrie and Jackson.

"This hospital reminds me of a beach house for some reason." Aidan said as he took a sip of his drink. "Is that just me?"
"Not just you, it looks like a place you would go to for fun, not to get treated for illnesses"

We got out of the elevator and headed down the hallway to Jackson's room.
"I know there's talk about a new resident, how did you guys meet her?"
"She's staying in room one-sixteen. Actually, she's living in room one-sixteen. She's lived here her whole life."
"That must suck, why?"
"Chronic bronchitis and underdeveloped lungs. At least that's what she told me the other day. She was surrendered when she was born. Whether her parents wanted a boy or they didn't want to take care of her I don't know. But she needs a home and Meredith wants her."

"That's good. Jackson's in room one-fifteen, correct?"
"Yep, we're here."

We headed inside and saw Jackson using his compass. He no longer had a tube in his nose and visibly looked better. He looked up and you would swear Christmas came early.
"Bro! I missed you so much. Thanks for packing my bag for me, you're an actual life saver."
"Bro, how you doing?"
"Bro, I've never been better. I got my appendix taken out and I'll be allowed to leave soon."
"Jackson, how's Carrie?"
"Carrie is great, she looks healthier which is a good sign. She's in treatment right now so you won't be able to see her, however she's been doing it for a while now so she should be back soon."
"That's good. Oh, and Jackson, you told me the other day you had an idea for your next hair colour. Would it be possible for you to show me?"

"Sure, here it is. I hope you have dark and rusty colours of hair dye."
He thumped through his book until he found what he was looking for.
"Could you do something like this?"
The design consisted of rotating gears in different colours and shades of copper, orange, and brown."
"Wow! Is this the reason you wanted your compass so bad? To answer your question, yes. I can do that."

Jackson showed Aidan the different drawings in his notebook. I excused myself to get Jackson his lemonade from my bag by the door.
"Jacks, we got you a lemonade. Just so you have a break from juice."
"Mate, yes."

I went to grab my bag when I saw Carrie return to her room.
"Hey guys, Carrie's back."
"Aidan, pass me my whiteboard and the marker."
Aidan tossed it over to him and Jackson scooted over in the bed.
"Bro, sit here, it's a lot comfier than the chairs."

Carrie pulled out her whiteboard and tried to flag down Jackson.

Jackson! Is that your brother?

It is, Jordan's here too

Hi Jordan!
Hi Jackson's brother!
What's your brother's name?

Are you allowed visitors?

Always, send them over

"Whelp, bro, do you want to go say hi?"
"I'll go if Jordan does.... Jordan? Care to introduce Aidan to Carrie?"

"Sure, not-brother meets hopeful not-sister. I'd love to."

Aidan and I headed across the hall to see Carrie. I didn't stand in the doorway but I still kept my distance in case I could've given her some illness I didn't even know I had.
She looked like a kid on Christmas when she saw us.
"Jordan! Is this.... Adrian? I couldn't see what Jackson wrote.... but it's nice to meet you!"
"I'm Aidan....Jordan hasn't told me much about you other than your illness. But there's more to someone than some stupid disease. What are you into?"

"Well....I like writing I guess. I write my own short stories from time to time. Um....I like animals. I spend a lot of time with the therapy dogs when they come to visit. My personal favourites are Cooper, the Bernese mountain dog, and Toffee, the yellow lab. Both are gentle giants."

Aidan sat down in the chair by the door.
"Aww, they sound really cute. On the subject of those stories you write, what exactly do you write about?"
"Stories about me in an alternate universe. One where I'm not sick. Stuff like going to an actual school or singing in public. And I can't sing, so that says something. But sometimes it's a fantasy story with talking creatures and princes. I don't care if it's embarrassing, it makes me happy so nobody else's opinion matters."

"Wow, you have a lot of creative ideas in that mind if yours."
" mind is pretty full."
Out of nowhere, a nurse showed up with lunch for her.

"Alright Carrie, I have some news from your doctor and some news from the hospital. Both of which are good news. However, these matters need to be discussed in private."

Aidan and I took the hint and we headed out.
"Jordan and I will step out, use your whiteboard when you're ready for us to come back."
Carrie gave us a thumbs up and we shut the door behind us.
We headed back to Jackson as he was on his second cup of gelatin.
"Well that was quick."
"Carrie's getting good news right now," Aidan resumed his place on the bed. "She'll let us know when we can come back in."

We heard the sound of a scream from across the hall followed by a fit of coughing.
"Is she okay?"
"I hope so."

Aidan and I sat in silence while Jackson was downing gelatin by the pint. Or was it kilogram? I don't know, gelatin is weird that way.

After a good five minutes, Carrie's doctor left and we were allowed to see her again. Her face was quite puffy and she was clearly crying. However, one thing was off about it.

She had the biggest smile on her face.

Aidan started to get concerned and moved closer to her bed.
"Carrie, are you okay? What's wrong."
"Nothing! The doctors found someone who wants to take me. I'm getting adopted! And the doctors told me I'm on the waiting list for a lung transplant. I'm on the list for no more bronchitis! Normally lung transplants are a last resort but they said as I was younger, they wanted me to spend my teen years outside of a hospital. So long Long-Term Care"
"Carrie, that's amazing! Do you know who your adoptive parents are?"
"I might have an idea," a voice from behind me and Aidan said. "And I believe you might too."

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