Chapter 10

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My alarm went off signaling my last day in Paris and my last day with Nico. Memories from last night came flooding back and I was blushing really hard. Alizée sat up in her bed next to mine with a weird look on her face.

"Jordan, you okay? Your face is bright pink."
"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking about last night."
"Hazel wake up!" Alizée threw a pillow at the unconscious American.
"Girl, what's happening?"
"Jordan's blushing from last night!"
"Oh tea! Jordan, spill!"

Hazel climbed on Alizée's bed as I pulled out the plastic rose Nico gave me.
"He started by giving me this as we went up to the roof. He said a real one would die and probably get thrown out at security. And this one would last forever."
"Then what?"
"Don't stop girl, keep going."
"He took me up to the roof and we shared a cannoli and watched the Eiffel Tower."
"Aww." Alizée hugged a pillow close to her chest.
"Alizée, shush."
"He pulled out a small speaker and played a slow song.... And we kissed."
"Was it beautiful?" Alizée gasped. "Was it FRENCH?"
"No, it was just your standard kiss."

It was at this time that my phone got a notification from Fabio.

Fabio: Good morning Jordan!
Fabio: Kids are leaving camp in the order of their flight time. The way they are doing it is your flight time minus 3 hours. Our flight is at three which means we need to catch the airport shuttle bus at noon. Meet me in the lobby at 11:45.
Fabio: Mrs. Morrison will address everyone at breakfast.

"Girls, what time are your flights?" I put my phone back in my pocket as Hazel and Alizée pulled their tickets out.
"Mine is at four. It's an overnight flight too," Hazel tucked her ticket in her bag. "I'll update y'all if anything happens."
"And my flight is at three."
"The way the camp set up transportation is that you take your flight time and subtract three hours, That's the time you need to load the bus. Morrison will go into more detail at breakfast for all the kids who have afternoon and evening flights."
"What about all the kids with morning flights?"
"I don't know. Maybe she'll explain at breakfast or maybe everyone booked afternoon flights. We still have a little time left until breakfast. Want to take this time to pack up and do each other's hair?"
"Sure." Alizée agreed as she pulled out her hair ties and her brush. "Come take a seat and tell me what you want."
"Can you give me the bow that you gave me on my date with Nico?"
"Alright, come take a seat in front of me and I can get started."
I sat down on Alizée's bed as she brushed, parted, and braided my hair into a bow.
"I didn't use any bobby pins because I didn't want you to set off any security alarms, so there's lots of hair elastics in that bow."
"Thanks Alizée!"

I double checked to make sure everything was packed, put my ticket in my tiny backpack, and headed next door to bug the boys.
"Boys, I came here to bug you and for me to give Carson Arty's number. Also, I would like to see my boyfriend before we leave and probably never see each other again."

Elliot knocked on the bathroom door.
"Neekie, your girlfriend is here. Also, I need to piss like a racehorse!"
"I'm doing my manbun! Hold it like the man you are!"
"Says the boy with a ponytail!"
"Fuck you, also don't call me Neekie. Only Jordan can call me Neekie."
"Really? and Elliot, go pee in our bathroom, we've already cleaned out our stuff so Hazel and Alizée shouldn't bother you."

Shortly after they left, Nico emerged with a freshly tied man bun in his ink black hair.

"Wow Jordan, you look...incredible! I can't believe I'm with a girl that looks like you."
"You're hungry Nico, nobody can think straight on an empty stomach. Now come on, my bus is leaving at noon which means I'll be missing lunch, which means this is the last time we're going to be eating together as a group."

The seven of us headed downstairs and sat at table thirteen for the last time. Breakfast was fairly light compared to what we had previously eaten at camp. But they had a God-given chocolate fountain so everything was good.

Mrs. Morrison stood up and gave another speech about how she was proud of us followed by a lecture about how the airport shuttle system worked and dismissed everyone who had a noon flight. Kai and Carson were on noon flights so we said our goodbyes.

"Don't forget to kiss your sister for me, Jordan!"
"Carson, you need the Lord. Also, Arty's non-binary."
"Fine then, kiss your sibling for me."
"You still need the Lord."

After breakfast, the now five of us spend the next two hours talking about random stuff and eventually, the dreaded question was asked by Elliot.
"So, do you guys have any siblings?"

"Nope!" Alizée said. "I'm an only child."
Nico raised his hand "I have an older sister, she graduated last year."
"Jordan, what about you? I only have a younger brother."

"It's complicated, I have one biological brother who I no longer live with and I was adopted by my caregiver Meredith. Earlier this summer, she agreed to foster a girl, two boys, and one child who's non-binary. They aren't legally my siblings but I like to think they are."

"What happened to your parents, did they die?"
"No, but they are dead to me...That's all I want to say about it."


The time had come for mine and Alizée's flight. Fabio had gotten our luggage from the room loaded up onto a trolley and loaded onto the shuttle bus. Nico kissed me goodbye and Elliot and Hazel hugged us both goodbye. Al and I hopped on the bus as Fabio loaded up the last of the luggage with some other kids. As the shuttle bus pulled away and saw the three of them wave us off, I started to get a bit emotional. Alizée saw this and put her arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. I leaned on her shoulder and she let me stay there until we got to the airport.


After waiting for too long in the security lines, Alizée and I had to go our separate ways. Fabio stood off to the side as we said our last goodbye. Not going to lie, it did feel somewhat like a cheesy rom-com where they would say goodbye and then turn around and kiss at the last second. Sadly, I was taken and I didn't know if Alizée liked girls or not.

Fabio squeezed me tight as my eyes started to get watery.
"Don't worry, it's flu season. Nobody will suspect a thing. Do you want my window seat?"

I nodded. "You're a good man, Fabio. Someday you're going to make a girl really happy."
"Jordan, I'm gay and you know it. Now, let's go home."


I wish I could say something cool happened on the flight like turbulence or an entitled parent demanding the window seat "for her sweet little angel," but no. Everything was fine, I was fine, Fabio was fine, everyone was fine.

Once we had landed and claimed our luggage, we headed to the terminal where Meredith, Aidan, Arty, and Alyza all held a sign that said "Welcome home Jordan!" but in all honesty, I had to give major props to Jackson who made his own sign that read "Welcome home from rehab Jordan, 31 days sober!"

I ran at them with open arms and embraced their group hug. It was at this time that I saw the surprise.

Standing off to the side of the group with a small sign that read "Hi Jordan!" was a girl with kinky black hair and very dark brown skin.

"You must be Jordan, I'm Emilohi. But you can just call me Em."

From her accent, I could tell she was from somewhere in Britain. Meredith came by and placed a hand on both of our shoulders.

"I know the two of you have just met, but you two have very similar pasts. All I ask is that you two learn from each other and to grow as friends and as people. Now, I'm sure Jordan has much to share. Let's get going."
"Can I say goodbye to Fabio really quick? Please?"
"Fine, Go say goodbye!"

I practically sprinted to where he was standing and almost tackled him
"Thank you, for driving me to the airport, to helping me when Taylor almost died, to keeping me updated with how everything was working. Most of all, making sure I was safe."
"You're welcome Kiddo, Meredith is waiting. Should I expect to hear from you in a month for her usual trim and your lesson?"
"As always."

I headed back to where everyone was standing and grabbed my suitcase.
"I have so much to tell you all, one of my roommates nearly died!"

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