Chapter 9

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Percy's P.o.V.

Annabeth: I woke up due to something – or rather someone – shifting beside me. Wise Girl was trying to get out of bed. So, of course – being the brilliant boyfriend I am – I wrapped my arms around her waist tighter and buried my face in her hair. She laughed that beautiful laugh of hers... "Percy, let me go..." she whispered. "Never!" I exclaimed – which I'm pretty sure sounded like an unintelligible groan with my head in her hair. "Never again..." I whispered, "You are not getting away from me." Annabeth sighed and gave up, leaning back. "Fine," she said, "But can you not drool in my hair?"

Percy: I chuckled and shifted so my face was out of her hair but rather in the crook of her neck. "Better?" I mumbled. She replied, "Now you're drooling on my neck... also, your hair tickles!" I groaned and turned her to face me so I could place a soft kiss on her lips. "Now, this I don't mind..." she whispered. After about 10 minutes, Annabeth insisted – much to my dismay – that we get up.

After getting up, taking a shower, brushing our teeth, etc. we were ready to go down for breakfast. That's when a smart looking owl – I mean in looks, all owls seem intelligent – knocked with its beak on the glass sliders that led to the balcony. I had never seen an owl so mannered before... well I had only seen owls when they were attacking me on Athena's command but that's besides the point.

Annabeth: Annabeth went to open the glass doors and I noticed four letters tied to the owl's foot. It turned and stuck out the foot with the letters on it to Annabeth. She untied them and the owl flew away. She handed me one and I opened it to see the longest letter ever! Even if my dyslexia didn't make it impossible to read, I'm sure my A.D.H.D. would start acting up in the middle and I would never be able to read the whole thing. Thank the Gods that Annabeth was able to keep her A.D.H.D. under control and her dyslexia wasn't as bad because she made an effort to actually read stuff.

We met up with Nico and Will in the hallway since our rooms were just opposite each other and she handed them a letter each. After she explained everything to us, we decided to hit Diagonally or whatever – not the direction, it's what the place was called! – afterwards to get our magical stuff. Then, we went down to the diner to have a great breakfast...

Hermione's P.o.V.

Ginny: I was pacing in Ginny's room – which I was sharing with her at the moment. "Hermione! Calm down... they are just students, like you and me! What are you so worried about?" She asked. I turned to her, slowing to a stop.

Hermione: "What if they were part of the war? Would they blame us? Were death eaters even in America? And what if they weren't? Will they not know anything? Do we tell them? Or do we keep quiet?..." I knew I was probably overthinking this but I was worried about what they were used to, and how they would react to the wizards and witches at Hogwarts. Would they avoid the students because of the emotional and physical scars from the war?

Ron: A knock on the door jolted me out of my thoughts. "Ginny? 'Mione?" Ginny groaned while I opened the door to see Ron with an impatient and overjoyed look on his face. "Mum says lunch is ready!" He shouted and bolted downstairs. We had gotten our Hogwarts letters in the morning and I had been fretting over the Americans ever since... maybe it was time I was a bit more chilled out... Merlin! I have been hanging out with Ronald too much, haven't I?

Hermione: I shook my head and turned to Ginny. She stood up from her place on the bed and said, "Let's go before my brother eats our share." With that, both of us went downstairs to the dining table.

Harry: "Hey Gin!" exclaimed Harry before he turned his attention back to his plate, whereas, my boyfriend didn't even look up from the food. I rolled my eyes and sat down. "Eat up! Then you guys can go out and play some Quiddich in the backyard," exclaimed Mrs. Weasely. At the mention of the sport, Ron, Ginny and Harry started shoving their food into their mouths, eager to finish as fast as possible...

Hermione: Quiddich isn't really my game... After everyone finished eating we went outside to the broom shed and we all took our brooms. We divided as couples; Harry and Ginny being a team and Ron and I being a team.

After a tiring game of Quiddich, We all went up to change out of our now sweaty clothes. I bumped into Ron as I left Ginny's room...

Ron: "Oh! 'Minoe! I wanted to ask you something..." the tips of his ears started turning red... "Yes?" I prompted "Well," Ron cleared his throat, "Do you want to go on a... date? To The Three Broomsticks?" I was shocked... Ron rarely took me out on dates... "Ya... guess I'll meet you at 3?" I asked. Ron just nodded and took off to his room, while I went to Ginny's room to pick out what to wear.

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