Prologue/Chapter 1: The Unexpectedly 'Different' Invitation

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Y/N, at 7 years old, was playing at their backyard with her older Brother, Mark, who was 5 years older than her. Mark was already studying at Hogwarts, he was in Year 2, Hufflepuff. She was climbing a tree and doing acrobatics through the branches while Mark was trying to keep up from below when suddenly, her mom came running into their backyard and immediately dragged Mark and Y/N back into the house.

"What's the matter mom?" asked Y/N

"Look!" her mom said in an eager tone while holding up a letter with the Hogwarts seal on it.

Mark and Y/N were surprised to see it because it couldn't have been for Mark, he was already at Hogwarts and was a teacher-favorite and a good student, so it also couldn't have been for their parents. Which meant that it was for Y/N.

They opened the letter and indeed it was for Y/N. Everyone was shocked because if this was an invitation to study at Hogwarts, the would have dismissed the fact that Y/N was only 7 years old and not old enough to study yet.

But their eagerness turned into worry, fear, and absolute shock after reading the letter...

"Y/N Leauxnor
2nd door in the 4th floor
Leauxnor Mansion

Dear Y/N Leauxnor,

I understand that this may come as a shock that you are receiving a letter at such a young age, but this is not an invitation to study at Hogwarts. Instead, this is an invitation to TEACH at Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry. We have been informed about your talents at such a young age, and we would be honored to have you teach your knowledge and skills here at Hogwarts. Please do consider our proposal.

Professor Minerva Mcgnagall
Deputy Headmistress"

Mark and Y/N's parents immediately started telling Y/N that she shouldn't go to Hogwarts to teach, but instead just wait a few more years for her letter to study there.

Though her parents and brother tried convincing her to not accept the offer, she still did. Instead, to study, she enrolled for night classes in Beauxbaton Academy of Magic. Those decisions were the start button to her life adventure...

Present Day


I was walking down the halls, being greeted by students of all years who pass by me, on my way to Hagrid's hut. He told me that he wanted to give me something special that he bought in Diagon Alley that he thought I might like and find useful.

I got to Hagrid's hut and knocked on the door.

"Hagrid, I'm here. It's me, Y/N" I said as I continuously knocked.

Hagrid opened the door and looked down at me with a smile on his face.

"Ah! Y/N! I was wonderin' when you would come" he said in his thick accent. (I'm so sorry but I'm not sure how to correctly interpret Hagrid's accent)

"Oh, sorry, am I late?" I asked.

"No, no, Fang just missed you too much that I thought you were late" he answered, sheepishly glancing at Fang.

"Hehe, well, now that I'm here, could you tell me what you wanted to give me?" I said.

"Oh yeh," he replied, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out these clear-colored glasses. "Here".


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"Um.." I took the glasses in my hands and looked at it confused, then back at Hagrid, furrowing my eyebrows. "Hagrid, I'm not blind or anything, I don't need glasses" I said chuckling a little at Hagrid.

"No no, it's not for blind-people-use. Yes, I mean, it IS reading glasses, but it helps you see and hear anywhere that you aren't in. You just have to think of where/what you want to hear and see and the right lens will show it to you. The left lens stay neutral, meaning anything you currently see in where you are will not change, so that you're still aware of your surroundings" Hagrid explained.

I was thrilled! Some students take advantage of my height and reach of my vision. Meaning, the students at the back barely pay attention when we're having a classroom discussion. Now, having these glasses, they can't do that anymore.

"Oh thank you Hagrid!" I exclaimed, hugging him in the process.

After a while of just hanging out, we bid each other goodbye and I went back to my headquarters. I had to get a lot of sleep because tomorrow, there were going to be new students coming in for sorting. It was also rumored that Harry Potter was one of the new students coming in tomorrow. I am 11 years old, just the same age as the newly coming Year 1 tutees (tutees is just another word for students) tomorrow.

Although, I payed no mind to any of that. I did my night routine, got to my bed, and slept with ease. I'll leave tomorrow's problems to tomorrow's me.

Hi! I don't know if anyone would even read this story but, hi if you do! I just wanted to say, I'm not particularly familiar with Harry Potter, but I do try my best to make it related to the books and the movie. And, sorry for any spelling and grammatical errors.

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