Chapter 9: How do I ask her out?

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AN~ Okay, so, this chapter is short. I'm sorry, but I'll try to make it up to you guys with the next chapter

3rd Person P.O.V

Harry was pacing in his and Y/N's shared hotel room. Suddenly, Y/N opened the door and came inside. Surprised, he jolted up and left the room leaving her there confused by his actions.

He went to Ron, Fred, and George's shared room. He knocked on the door so many times out of sheer panick.

"Hey mate, what's up with you?" Fred said, opening the door.

Harry pushed past him, sat down on a bed next to Ron, grabbed his hair, and screamed.


"Having trouble asking Y/N out?" George guessed, after Harry was done screaming.

"More than you think" Harry replied.

"This work is too big for the 4 of us" Ron said, leaving the room.

A couple minutes later, he came back with all the other boys. That included Mark and Dean (really, they were the most important).

"Okay, let's get to work" Zach said, taking a seat with everyone else around the room.


After a while, the boys decided that it would be best to ask Y/N out for dinner.

"Okay, so I go to her and ask her out for dinner... How should I say it? 'Let's get dinner' or 'do you want to get dinner?' " Harry asked. The boys looked down thoughtfully.

"Go with 'let's get dinner' " Fred said. "So your like assertive and confident"

"For sure" George agreed.

Leo butted in, "Actually no, now you sound a little aggressive". "Because you don't want to be the guy that's like 'LET'S GET DINNER' like you're some sort of caveman"

"You're supposed to ask her to dinner, not tell her to dinner" Neville agreed. "Just say, 'Do you want to get dinner?' "

"Perfe-" Harry said, but got interrupted.

"Actually wait, now you kind of sound like a pu$$y" Mark said.

"This is tough" Harry said looking down.

"The last thing you want is to be that over masculine guy, like; "LET'S GET DINNER, I'M THE BREAD WINNER B^TCH' " Leo said.

"But women also like assertiveness" George argued.

"Say; 'Dinner would be something I would enjoy taking you out on if you were also interested in attending the meal' " Seamus said.

"The more words the better" Sergei commented.

"No, wait, say; 'I would like nothing more than to take you to the finest restaurant in town, for a lovely meal we call dinner' " Percy said.

"Should I like bring flowers too or something?" Harry asked.


"F*CK THAT" Cedric said, cutting Percy. "Say; 'dinner tonight, 7 PM. Take it or leave it. You B^TCH'. Cause she playin' games now"

"Sign it, seal it, deliver it" Dean said, agreeing with Cedric.

"I don't know- my sister is pretty difficult all the time" Mark said cautiously.

"I- I'm not saying that" Harry said in disbelief that Cedric said that, and more so the fact the Dean agreed with him.

"Definitely don't say that" Ron whispered from beside me.

"Let's just see her mood tomorrow. If she's on b^tch-mode, then we go for assertive. If she's soft, then we go for gentleman" Fred said in conclusion. We all nodded and everyone left the room.

Harry stood up and left the room along with the others and made his way towards his and Y/N's shared room.

He took a deep breathe and opened the door. Inside, Y/N was sitting on the balcony with a glass of piña colada in one of her hands, the other crossed infront of her chest. She was looking out on the view.

Harry didn't want to disturb Y/N, so he just started changing instead of showing Y/N signs that he was there.

As he was putting on his shirt, Y/N turned around. Harry stopped, his shirt on his forearms and Y/N just stared at his bare torso with wide-eyes.

Y/N blushed, hard. She couldn't seem to look away from Harry's bare body. 'Damn- he's hot' she thought. Harry, didn't budge. Maybe the talk with the boys made him cocky because instead of being the socially awkward boy he is, he smirked.

"Like the view?" Harry asked Y/N, throwing away his shirt. Y/N returned his cockiness.

"Yup" she said, "Keep wearing that shirt, I like it". Harry furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "But I'm not wearing any shirt".

Y/N stood up, leaving her piña colada on the balcony table. She walked up to Harry, so close, that they could hear each other breathing. "Exactly" she said in an unintentionally seductive tone.

Harry gulped and silently prayed that Y/N didn't notice. His smirk disappeared, making a smirk appear on Y/N's face.

She brought up her finger to Harry's torso. His and her eyes shifted to his bare stomach. Y/N started tracing her fingers on his stomach making Harry blush furiously. But he couldn't move.

Y/N looked back up to his eyes as he followed her, looking into her e/c eyes. She pushed him onto the bed behind them and hovered over Harry.

Although they were just 13, Harry couldn't help but admit that he kind of liked what was happening. Y/N leaned down. Harry was about to close his eyes thinking she was going to kiss him, when Y/N flopped herself on his side and kicked him off the bed.

Harry, as startled as he is, fell down with ease. A triumphant grin spread across Y/N face as she pulled the covers onto herself as Harry looked at her with disappointment, confusion, and an unreadable emotion etched on his face.

"What was that for?" he asked her.

"You were cocky. Tried being more cocky than me" she said with a scoff, "And although you do look very hot, yes, I am admitting it" she said looking at Harry who had a huge smile on his face, "I just broke up with Dean, I'm not getting a new-found love interest just yet" she continued.

Harry's smile disappeared and he gave her his best pitiful look but she her wall didn't fall. Harry sighed defeated and stood up from the floor.

He walked up to the couch and lied down. "Hey!" Y/N said, bringing him back to life. He sat up and looked at her. "Yeah?"

"What are you doing there?"

"Well I mean- you kicked me out of the bed, and I don't think it would be comfortable for you to sleep with me, nor sleep on the couch"

Y/N stood up from her comfy position, dragged Harry by his arm back to the bed, shoved him to a sleeping position, then flopped down beside him.

They both turned to face each other and, once again, felt each other's breathe. "What?" Harry asked confused. "Just go to sleep pretty boy" Y/N said smiling, turning to the other side.

Harry quietly thanked her for turning around so that she wouldn't see his now red cheeks from the nickname she used for him. Instinctively, he reached out for her and pulled her to his bare chest.

Y/N didn't complain and snuggled under his warm touch.

Within a matter of seconds, they both fell asleep taking a whisking off into dreamland.

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