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After Michael’s little revelation it had taken a while for Lexus to process it all. She didn’t like that the people in charge thought she was a threat to herself, and she especially didn’t like that everyone at the school now thought she was dangerous (although it did sort of explain the strange stares she’d been getting since she left Meyers’ office). The whole reason she’d come to the school in the first place was because she was worried about hurting someone and now she was being branded as a high level threat by the very people she was seeking help from.

While she was dealing with all that Michael showed her around the school and told her a little bit about how he’d come to be there.

He explained that he’d been a fairly sensitive child and no one really thought anything of it, then when he got into his preteen years his parents began to worry. He had a hard time separating other people’s feelings from his own and he’d been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and put on meds. When that didn’t work he’d spent time in numerous psychiatric hospitals (which had never been able to help because he didn’t have what they thought he did) before Ms. Meyers had found him and offered him a spot at the school.

Lexus thought that it was all pretty tragic, that he’d spent so much time being told that there was something wrong with him when there wasn’t, but somehow Michael was still able to tell the story with a smile on his face and it made her wonder just how strong he’d had to become to deal with not only his emotions but the ones of the people around him too.

Lexus was kind of surprised how easy it was for her to talk to Michael, she wasn’t sure if it had something to do with his power or not but she felt like they’d been friends for quite a while. It was actually kind of nice for her to talk to someone who was her own age, she loved Ashton but talking to Michael reminded her just how much she’d missed out on while the two of them were on the run.

“Okay, what I’m about to show you is a secret. Only a few other people know about it so don’t go blabbing it to everyone you meet.” Michael had a smile on his face but Lexus could tell that he was serious about this.

She nodded her head and Michael shot her a wink before he took a step forward and vanished into thin air. Lexus took a step back and opened her mouth to talk but nothing came out. Her eyebrows pulled together as she tried to figure out where Michael had gone. Just as she was about to call out to him he reappeared and let out a light chuckle.

“I’ll be back to get you in a few seconds, I need to tell Sage to let you see the doorway.” Lexus nodded hesitantly, worried that this was some elaborate joke and she was about to be made a fool of.

Sure enough though, a few minutes later a door appeared and Michael stepped out. “You can see the door, right?”

Lexus nodded again, barely able to comprehend that a door had just appeared in the hallway (she figured she should probably get used to strange things like that happening). “What just happened?”

Michael chuckled again, something that reminded Lexus of Ashton and immediately put her at ease. “Come inside and I’ll let them explain.”

She was about to ask who ‘them’ was but she just shook her head and followed Michael. Inside looked kind of like her dorm room; the lights were pretty low and there was no bed but it was obvious that the space was used pretty regularly. There was an old couch and a stereo along with a rug on the floor and a few extra seats scattered around the place. The fridge in the corner looked like it had seen better days and there were various posters pinned to the walls.

In the centre of the room there was a group of three people. The boy was blonde and even though he was sitting down Lexus could tell that he was tall, maybe even taller than Michael. The girl that was sitting next to him and playing with his hair had multiple piercings and dark green patches through her otherwise black hair. The last girl had been sitting on the floor but stood up as Michael and Lexus had entered the room, her hair was bright purple and Lexus started to feel like the odd one out with her completely ordinary brown hair.

unnaturals // luke hemmings {slow updates}Where stories live. Discover now