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Lexus waited until Ashton had driven out of the school’s gates to turn around and get a good look at Crescent College.

It looked like every typical boarding school that you see in movies or read about in books. The brick façade was decaying and slightly covered in ivy in certain places. The whole place looked like it could have been modelled after Hogwarts and that thought made Lexus smile; if it was like Hogwarts she’d be able to deal.

The lawn was green but it still looked like it was right on the verge of dying and Lexus wondered if that had anything to do with the students that attended the school (while she’d been looking for information on her powers she’d also looked at other powers as well so she had some idea what she might be coming up against at the school).

When her staring at the school was about to cross the line from being normal to creepy Ms. Meyers appeared in the entrance and indicated for her to come inside. Lexus gathered all her things and started to make her way up the steps (something that was way more difficult than it should have been when she was lugging a suitcase behind her).

She followed the Head Mistress as she made her way towards her office, which was still the only part of the school that Lexus had seen besides the hallways that lead to it. When they arrived Lexus sat in the same seat that she had a week earlier; she felt a slight pang in her chest when she looked over to her left and noticed the empty seat that Ashton had occupied but she shook it off.

“Okay Lexus, so seeing as it’s a Saturday there’s obviously no classes today. You’ll have both today and tomorrow to get settled and familiarise yourself with the school and you’ll be expected to start attending classes on Monday morning."

 Lexus nodded as Ms. Meyers spoke, briefly wondering if she should have been taking notes on all of this.

“Breakfast is served at between 6:30 and 8:30 during the week and between 7:00 and 10:00 on the weekends; lunch is at 12:30 every day; and dinner is at 7:30 each night and will usually last until around 9:00. All meals are in the hall, and you can choose if you want to have lunch there or somewhere else on school grounds.”

Now Lexus was sure that she should have been taking notes because she was already beginning to forget all those times.

“There aren’t many restrictions for what you do with your free time; all we ask is that you behave like a decent human being and that you be back in your dorm room by the 10:00 curfew. On the weekends you’re allowed to leave school grounds but we ask that you put your name on the list outside the library by lunch time on Friday so we have an idea how many students will be here and how many will be off school grounds.

“We would hope that you’ll be attending all your lessons but if for some reason you can’t – and we understand that there can be some circumstances where you might not want to provide a reason – please let us know using your account on the school’s network; all you have to do is put in your login details and then click the box that says you won’t be attending classes for the day. If that box is ticked we’ll assume that you’re going to be in your own dorm room, but for safety reasons if you’re taking the day off to help a friend we need you to let us know what friend that is so we know where you are and if there’s any chance that you’re going to be in danger.”

There were a lot of questions Lexus wanted to ask – one of them being what had happened in the past that had caused all these rules to be put into effect – but she just continued to nod her head and keep her mouth shut.

Meyers slid a folder across the desk and then placed a key on top of it.

“That folder has most of the information I just told you inside it as well as some other things that I didn’t mention. It also has your class schedule and a map of the school. On the map the route from here to your dorm room is outlined and that’s the key.” She smiled politely at Lexus before letting out a small laugh. “You’re going to lose that key a few times so when you do just pop on down to student services and they’ll provide you with another one.”

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