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Lexus spent the whole next day trying to avoid her roommate and getting a tour of the school from what Michael fondly called ‘the gang’.

Sage and Piper had woken her up and invited her to join them for breakfast and halfway through her waffles (she was actually quite surprised with how good the food was at the school) Michael and Luke had joined them.

Luke had said hi before wandering over to pick something out for himself whereas Michael just flopped down on the seat next to Lexus and dropped his head onto her shoulder. She let out a small chuckle as the ends of his hair tickled her neck before she pushed her untouched coffee in his direction.

“You look like you need it more than I do.” She laughed as Michael reluctantly sat up and took a large sip of the warm beverage.

“It should be illegal to be awake this early on the weekend.” He grumbled almost as if he was talking to the cup itself instead of Lexus.

“We need to give Lexus the grand tour and show her the ins and outs of the school before she has to start classes tomorrow Mikey, take one for the team.” Piper chimed in, reaching over the table to lightly punch Michael in the arm.

He simply glared at her before turning to Lexus again. “Are you gonna finish that?” He asked looking down at her half-finished waffles.

Lexus just shrugged and pushed her plate towards the purple haired boy, just before he could eat any of it though the plate moved so it was once again sitting in front of Lexus. Her confusion subsided when Luke sat down on the other side of Michael with his own food.

“We don’t feed him.” Luke started, jabbing a thumb in Michael’s direction. “It sets a precedent.”

“We’re trying to train him. If he wants food he has to go and get it himself.” Sage added, almost as if she was finishing Luke’s sentence for him.

Michael’s mouth dropped open and he scoffed. “You make it sound like I’m some kind of animal.”

“You said it buddy.” Piper pointed to him with a fork and Michael just flipped her off.

Lexus who’d been watching the whole exchange take place let out a small laugh at their antics.

After breakfast Luke had to run off somewhere but the rest of them agreed to show Lexus around and help her really get settled into the school.

Sage and Piper held hands while they lead her through the hallways, pointing out important things and telling about the short cuts and secret spots they’d found during their time at the school. Michael would pipe up and join in whenever he had something he felt was worth contributing to the conversation (the last thing he’d mentioned was a spot under the staircase in the library that was a particularly good spot for a nap). After a while Lexus really began to feel like she was getting a grasp on it all.

People were still staring at her but they were trying to be more discrete about it which she found unusually comforting (especially considering she could cause mini tornadoes if she got too anxious). She could still see people watching her and then glancing away when she turned to meet their eyes and it wasn’t hard to figure out that the whispers that seemed to follow the group were about her.

She was trying her best not to let it get to her.

When they were done Sage lead them all back to their abandoned dorm room. Lexus was a little bit surprised that when they walked in they didn’t find Luke lounging around on the couch. She’d wanted to ask where he was heading this morning but she got the sense that she shouldn’t. Luke returned eventually but no one mentioned his absence which Lexus thought was a little bit odd.

unnaturals // luke hemmings {slow updates}Where stories live. Discover now