A/N~ character reintroduction

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A/N: I thought it'd be nice to reintroduce the characters seeing as I wasn't constant in the uploads and also to avoid confusion or having to go back to remember who's who. I'd have loved to include pictures but I heard it ruins the visual images for the readers. If you want to see pictures though signify, I'll definitely consider it.

Cole - the male main character who the book revolves around. He's presented as a guy with low empathy and also a possible psychopath. He's a perpetually smiling guy who has successfully deceived majority of people into thinking he's an all round nice guy. Mean pranks and the tit for tat mentality are his Hallmark. He's declared his feelings for Olivia and a subtle but sure change has been seen in his character ever since his life became entwined with Olivia's.

Olivia- the female main character who the book revolves around. A pretty girl with a nice bod who unknowingly snagged the attention of the unpredictable Cole. As the story progresses we notice her attitude softening towards Cole but her feelings for Cole are not known to us yet.

Cara - the first friend Olivia made in eureka high school, she's a slim, pretty, friendly, cheerful mature and kind girl. She's been a friend to George and Josh right from junior high.

George - a nice friendly guy who enjoys goofing around a lot, he's been a friend to Cara and Josh right from junior high. He's in love with Lila, the twin sister to Lilo.

Josh - he's an absolute sassy guy, can come off as mean at times but he says whatever's on his mind, he's brutally honest. You either love him or hate him, ain't no in between.

Dave- Cara's older brother by a year, he's an hot athletic guy, laid-back, chill, friendly. He has a crush on Jade and is scared to confess so he constantly bugs him hoping he'd get the hint. He spends time in the library in order to ward off the people who try to push Dave around because of his limp.

Fun fact: Dave and Cara are mixed. Their father is from Brazil, mother from South Africa.

Lady lucy - she's the mother to Cole, the male protagonist. She's presented as youthful,funny, wild, fashion crazy, eccentric. She's the ex wife to Mr. Frank Foster. We can infer from the book that Cole has a better relationship with her as he seems to be more relaxed in her presence. Her full name is Mrs. Camille Foster by marriage and by divorce she's Camille Churchill, but she doesn't like to be referred to as such claiming it makes her feel old.

Frank Foster - he's the father to Cole and ex husband to the vibrant lady Lucy. He's a very successful doctor as can be seen in the presentation of the house and Cole's comfortable life. He's wary of his son and fails woefully to pretend he isn't albeit this he's a caring and man.

Jade - if pretty boy was a person, it'd be jade with his white hair, rosy lips and nicely proportioned face. He's a softhearted butterfingered guy who has spent majority of his life self conscious of his limp and people's reaction to it. He trusts too easily as he believes in the theory of if you smile at me, I'll smile right back. He's completely oblivious of Dave's feelings for him and sees him as an helpful nuisance.

Diane and arietta- they're both minor characters. They're the stereotypical good-looking gossip girls.

Harrison- a huge guy who was presented as cocky and absolutely rude as his first interaction with Olivia was nothing to write home about. He comes from a background of absolute wealth which explains his proud behavior.

Lily - she's a beautiful girl whose good looks aren't emphasized upon as a result of her character. She's someone who wanted to be accepted by Josh so badly she embarrassed herself greatly by constantly telling huge lies to impress him and being totally clingy. We later on learn from Olivia that she and Josh might have something going up.

Olivia's mother - Mrs. Anderson is barely home with a tasking job that consumes majority of her time. She grew up in her overly strict home and this is one of the reason she's a bit lax about Olivia's whereabouts and outings. Her greatest pride is that her daughter, Olivia isn't a problem child on the contrary she goes out of her way to ensure the house is in order. More will be revealed about her later on.

Mr Anderson- we weren't told much of Mr Anderson, we only know he's a cheating simpleton.

The rest of the characters are very minor and probably might not show up in other chapters.

A/N: don't forget to vote, comment on something you'd like to see and follow me. If you took the time to read through this chapter, thank you, I appreciate y'all.

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