Chapter 17~a controversial occurrence

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"I'm glad I took your recommendation, the fried rice is actually remarkably pleasant. Thank you." i swallowed the food I hadn't taken the time to chew properly. Another one of my many bad habits.

"You're welcome" Josh replied putting on his wireless earpods and scrolling through his phone. I tried to discreetly pick out a piece of meat that had gotten stuck in between my molars, a feat I must confess was indescribably Herculean due to my extremely short nails.

George suddenly sat up straight from his sprawled overly relaxed position on his seat and directed his gaze towards the entrance of the cafeteria "Harrison just charged in looking murderous, he couldn't be heading towards this direction could he?"

"I definitely hope not" I responded, apprehensively turning my head a bit to the side in order to look over my left shoulder

Josh on noticing the anxious looks on our faces took out his earpods and furrowed his brows in inquisitively "what's going on?"

"I think Harrison is heading towards our direction" he traced Harrison's approaching figure with his eyes

"Why would he be heading towards this direction?" Josh stared at George perturbed

"I dunno, maybe cause Olivia turned him down and had him sent to the principal like he rightfully deserved." George shrugged

"Why would he be reacting now? He's slow,an undisputed fact but he's not that slow." Josh emphasised the last slow

"He's not heading here" I remarked, the remnant of my food long forgotten.

"Where then?" George demanded

"I think he's heading towards Amanda and Tasha's table" I continued staring unblinkingly in their direction

"I'm of the opinion that a fight is about to break out" Josh observed

"I know he's an awful person but he wouldn't hit a lady would he?" George asked seriously

Josh gave him an "are you serious look?"

"You think you're so slick don't you?, Giving me poisoned cupcakes as a gift." Harrison bellowed slamming his hand on their table causing both girls to flinch visibly.

"What're you talking about?" Amanda asked giving him a look that suggested some nuts in his head had come unscrewed.

"I'm not talking to you. Just shut your filthy mouth and mind your business" he yelled and turned to face Tasha

"You think because you're a girl, you can get away with anything right? My friend ate those cupcakes and experienced severe seizures, his mouth and throat also went absolutely numb. It was so bad he had to be hospitalized. Do you even understand the gravity of your actions?" he roared and reached for her shirt and dragged her up by her buttoned collar.

"I didn't do anything I swear, a girl who claimed to have a crush on you gave them to me and asked me to deliver them to you." She was sweating frantically and shivering

"I'm supposed to buy your bullshit story? If anything happens to him, I'll spend the rest of my life in some stupid rehabilitation center. That's what you want isn't it?. That's why you did it right?" He was breathing heavily at this point

"I swear, it wasn't me. I didn't do it." she began to sniffle

"What in the name of delusions and insanity is going on here?" George commented in an awestruck tone

I grimaced" I wouldn't use the word insane so lightly"

Josh and George looked towards me brows raised "and what person do you think the word insane would be perfect for if not Harrison?"

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