chapter 50~ a peevish saturday 2

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A/N: cheers to chapter fifty, we've come a long way together🥂💙

I hurried over to the door and halted to call out a "Who's there?."

"Liv, it's me." Came the response

"You, who?." I replied just to bug him. He was the only person who was fond of referring to me as Liv.

"It's me, Cole." He drawled

"Oh." I replied in a pseudo exhibition of surprise after which i pressed down on the door handle and opened it up.

He strolled in leisurely, and appeared as though he were about to say something. That was up until he took a proper look at me and let out a little laugh instead.

"What?." I demanded, mildly taken aback.

He halted mid laughter and settled down on the couch "you have soap fluff on your forehead."

I mentally face palmed. In my flurry i had fully forgotten about my hair. I reached to touch it hesitantly. It was exactly in the state i had envisioned it to be in, pointing every which way.

"Just give me a minute." I requested walking out even as I spoke. I hurried back into the room rinsed off the soap bubbles on my head, subsequently tied my hair up with a scrunchie, took a proper look at my face in the mirror before i walked out again.

"You're home alone?." Cole questioned, looking directly into my eyes as though expecting me to fib.

"Well, not exactly. My mom went out to get groceries. I'm surprised she isn't back yet." I added the last sentence more to myself than to him.

He seemed to have heard just fine nonetheless as he made a suggestion "Maybe she ran into one of her friends and got sidetracked."

I shook my head at the thought "Nah, I highly doubt that. My mom doesn't really socialise much."

Cole nodded and said nothing in reply

"Do you think I would be acting rashly if I gave her a quick call?." I wondered aloud

Cole hooted a laugh " I don't think I'm the best person to ask that question."

"Why not?." I wanted to know

"I've been making a lot rash decisions lately, which even I must admit is out of character for me." He acknowledged

I narrowed my eyes in deliberation "which makes me wonder? How did you even get here so quickly?."

He donned on a satisfied smile "i was on my way even before you let me come over."

"What if I wasn't home?." I questioned

"You wouldn't lie to me." Cole answered confidently

I repelled the strong urge to snort "what if I refused to open the door?."

What Cole's reply would have been I'll never know, because right at that moment my mom walked in with about four bags of grocery in hand.

She pushed the door behind her shut and turned around probably to address me, when she espied Cole

"Oh, hey there Cole. Didn't expect to see you here today." She greeted with barely concealed surprise

"Hello." He replied rising to his feet. I gaped at him in confusion, why exactly had he stood up?

The mystery was solved barely seconds later when he took the groceries from my mom albeit her polite "you're a guest, you shouldn't do anything."

"No, really it's okay. At this point I'm not even a guest anymore." Cole insisted with his signature "good boy" smile

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