chapter 31~ saturdays are for?

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I awoke to the sweet aroma of pancakes instantly causing my lips to turn upward in an idle attempt at a smile. I picked myself out of bed and traipsed towards the kitchen with light steps and a heart filled with barely contained eagerness. The affinity I have for good meals can never be overemphasized.

"Is there anything I could help you out with?" I offered as i attempted looking over my mom's shoulder

"Nah, not really. You could just hang around and hand me ingredients, that'll make my job a tad easier." She responded adding milk into the bowl of batter she had been mixing

"Alright" I lifted myself up and perched myself on the freezer, an habit my mom ought to have curbed but funnily enough she never spoke on.

"So what's new with you?" I asked

She paused for a few seconds before replying "Nothing much at the moment. I'm living an extremely boring life."

"I'm sure that's not true." I chuckled

"It is. if my life were to be featured on a reality TV show. Everyone would stop watching after the first few seconds." She sighed dramatically, an indication that it was a purely humorous statement.

"I'm sure it's not that bad." I remarked, earning a flippant shrug from her

"So what's going on with you? Anything new?" She demanded beginning to gently pour a portion of the batter into the pan

"Kinda, there is something new." I decided to man up and tell her about the phone Cole had gifted me. I'd been procrastinating for two days already.

"Go on, tell me." She urged as she reached for a plate

"You have to promise you won't get mad." I stated

she paused to squint her eyes at me suspiciously "what's the matter?"

"You have to promise first." I insisted

"Fine, I promise not to get upset. What's the matter?" Her shoulders were tense as she began to rinse the dish in her hand,a glaring red flag.

"So two days ago, you know it was valentine right?" I was stalling

"Yes, I know." She replied

"Well a friend of mine gave me a phone, an iPhone X." I explained

She paused mid rinse and turned around to regard me steadily "a friend of yours?"

"Yes, uhm his name is Cole." I responded

"Oh" she replied simply and turned around to dry the dish

"You promised you wouldn't be mad?" I accused her

She scoffed "I'm not upset. I'm just taking a few seconds to process the information. So many questions running through my mind right now."

"Like what?" I inquired inwardly heaving a sigh of relief as I noticed her shoulders had very visibly relaxed

"Why the name Cole sounds awfully familiar ?." She expertly flipped the pancake

"I went with him to get ice cream a few weeks ago and I mentioned his name to you." I explained

"So, he's your boyfriend then." She concluded with a nod

"No, he's not." I shook my head

"He's not?" She looked confused

"Yupp" i answered back

"Why do I keep getting this weird feeling that there's something you aren't telling me?" She furrowed her brows at me seeming to be seriously contemplating something.

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