Chapter 15~creepy much?

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I trudged along with the crowd of students towards the computer lab. I decided to sit on the last row, it was the row with the least amount of students. i settled down on the seat closest to the wall and leaned my head on it in order to discourage any form of interaction with anyone.

I was in a mood where I just wanted to be left alone, I wasn't mad or sad. I just wasn't in the mood for conversations. I felt a presence drop down into the seat next to me, I stamped down the urge to moan in displeasure and took a glance at the person, it was a huge lump of a boy smiling cockily at me. I looked away quickly wondering why of all the empty seats in the room he had chosen the one beside me. His deep raspy grating voice shattering the sweet halo of silence I was luxuriating in
"You're the new girl aren't you?"


"what's your name?"

"It's Olivia"

"Mine is Harrison"

"Cool" I replied coolly leaning my head on the wall and staring straight ahead

"How're you?" He asked

"I'm doing great"

"How've you been finding school and classes and all?"

"Nice" I replied dispassionately in an attempt to dissuade further questions but apparently he was as thickheaded as a brick because he continued

"You're really pretty, the rumors didn't do you enough justice"

"Thanks" I retorted shortly

He unexpectedly went silent. I heaved a sigh of relief and closed my eyes until I suddenly felt a warm pair of fingers slide under my skirt and trail up my thighs. I jolted straight up and he withdrew his hand a smug smile on his face. I stared at him the disgust I felt heavily reflected in my expression "what was that for?"

"I knew that that would be the best way to get your attention" he leered

"Please refrain from touching me, I honestly don't like it." I warned

"Girls like you who play hard to get and have the most innocent face are usually the freakiest"

I gave him an "are you for real?" look

"I'm interested in you, to be honest"

"Interested in me?"

"Yes, I'd like for us to date"

"I'm not interested" I couldn't help but wonder what type of guy asked a girl out on meeting them for the first and having little to no idea on who they actually are.

"You're playing hard to get aren't you ?"

"No, I'm not"

"I've got lots and lots of money. I could take care of you buy you the nicest things. My dad owns the biggest shopping complex you'll find this side of town. "Happy shoppers". you'll never lack. " I scoffed in my head at that.

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested" I wasn't in the least bit sorry.

"Come on give me a chance" he persisted

"I'm genuinely not interested"

"Why?" He inquired, I groaned in frustration. Some guys just can't take no for an answer.

"I'm not ready for a relationship" I answered

"Or is it because you think I'm not good looking? Is that it? You think you're the prettiest girl in the whole wide world. Girls way prettier than you have begged to with me." He jeered

"What a priggish, stuck up bitch!" He exclaimed causing me to give him a stupefied look

"You're acting all pompous and huffy because you're feeling way prettier than you actually are. Fucking slut. I'm sure people with less money would have had you."

I looked away from him swallowing down the anger I felt and looked away from him resting my head on the wall once again and deciding not to reply. The last thing I wanted was a confrontation. I just wanted to be left alone. I suddenly felt a hand brush against my bosom, it was Harrison he was reaching for the socket. I decided to overlook it. I felt his hand brush against my bosom again as he moved to press the switch on the socket.

"Could you not?" I demanded my tone angry

"Not what?"

"Touch me"

"The world doesn't revolve around you in case you had no idea of it before. I was reaching for the socket I don't know what perversions your mind has concoted"

"The first time you pressed the switch, the monitor booted on. So why did you press it a second time?"

"I owe you an explain for everything I do now, I can't turn the monitor on and off as I please?. You stuck up bitch" he shouted

Heads suddenly turned to look backwards in search of where the yell was coming from. As soon as some of the students sighted Harrison they began to mutter and shake their heads disapprovingly. The teacher in charge strode over to us, he was a young bald man on a t-shirt, blue jeans and sneakers.

"Harrison?" He chuckled

"I shouldn't be surprised but for the oddest of reasons I am. Wherever there's trouble you always seem to be right in the middle, in lead and behind it."

"What's the matter?" The teacher asked solely facing me

Harrison quickly cut in" I don't know what her deal is, she's way too nosy."

"I didn't ask for your fabricated version of the story" the teacher cut him off

"I saw what happened" one twin called out quietly, her voice carrying due to the silence in the classroom

"Harrison was totally at fault. I noticed he kept pestering her despite her obvious disinterest. I decided not to butt in so as not to seem nosy. He called her a bitch and kept brushing against her unnecessarily" the other twin butted in sharply

"I was just trying to switch on the monitor" Harrison yelled defensively

"Who gave you the go ahead to do so? You're not new in this school. You should know by now, you're not to put on the monitors until I say so. I turn my back for a quick moment just to set up the programs to be displayed and you've caused trouble already?" He sighed wearily and turned to me
"Is Lila and lilo's version of the story true?"

"Yes" I agreed weakly

"I have no strength to reproach you, just go to the principal's office and report yourself. I'll be watching you from the window to ensure you do so" the man said speaking to Harrison

Harrison lumbered out of the i.c.t room with the teacher standing by the window to ensure he got to the principal's office. A few minutes afterwards he turned towards us and began to teach. I zoned out wishing I was at home in the comfort of my soft sweet bed.

A/N: I'm genuinely curious, who's your favorite character ? and who's your least favorite character?. For me cara's my favorite and Harrison's my least favorite. Tell me yours in the comments. Thank you.

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