chapter 34~ the cracks in our amusement

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A/N: don't forget to vote and comment, it motivates me to update faster. Thank you🙂💙

I heaved a fatigued sigh as I tried to disregard the rythmic pounding in my head. I struggled to focus on the equation set in front of me but my eyes kept zooming out of the page by blurring it.

I had been procastinating the homework for two days and it was due soon,by soon I mean tomorrow. I groaned irritatedly at the thought.

I reached for the book in an attempt to pull it closer to me but paused midway due to the chime of my notifications, i reluctantly picked up my phone. It was a message from a private number, Cole. I wondered not for the first time why his number was on private setting even. It seemed utterly unnecessary to me.

Private number: wyd?

Me: solving my maths homework

Private number: let's do something fun

Private number: like maybe

Private number: go to an amusement park

Did this mans not hear me say I was currently solving maths homework?

Me: thanks for the offer, but no

Private number: why?

I literally just told this guy I had maths homework. Like what? Five seconds ago? Was he messing with me?

Me: the homework is due tomorrow

Private number: you had three days to do it. It was issued on Tuesday to be submitted on Friday

Thanks captain obvious

Me: i was busy

Private number: with what? I'm genuinely curious because It'll only take what? Thirty minutes?

Thirty minutes if you understand it. An eternity, if you don't.

Me: with life

Private number: you still haven't answered the question

What more did he want? My soul?

Private number: what were you busy with?

Me: with cara's birthday, happy now.

Private number: why in the name of all things unholy would that make me happy?

Who peed in his Cheerios? I scoffed

Private number: how come you can make time for cara but not for me?

Me: cole, this isn't about you, i have maths homework. And at this rate, i'll probably end up with a D, and that'd be if i'm lucky enough.

Private number: I'll send you screenshots of mine.

Me: of your what?

Private homework: my homework, what did you think I was talking about?

One could never be too sure about these things

Me: nothing,what if the questions comes up in a test?

Private number: we'll work out a study session. And yes, i'm not taking no for an answer.

Me: it's 6'30 pm already, lets ho tomorrow. It's a Saturday so it's a much better option.

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