Part 34- Given [m]

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Warning [m] this chapter contains sexual content. Read at your own discretion.

Now that Yokozawa was fully aware of what he was about to do, there was no easing his nerves. He'd given himself once to Kirishima already but that's because he hadn't been thinking clearly and could pin the blame on pheromones, now he could only blame this on love as well as stupidity on his own part.

He emerged from the bathroom in nothing but a white robe that was tied tightly around his waist. It was supposed to be a comforting gesture but it was anything but. He knew in a few minutes, maybe even seconds that flimsy layer would be ripped away and he'd be laid bare.

Completely vulnerable and at the mercy of the elder.

He stepped closer to the bed where the vampire was already sitting, his hazel eyes bright and alert. He took in the smaller mans frame as well as his appearance. The pheromones the other was giving off were sweet as usual, but not as overwhelming.

He was probably nervous.

"Come here, Takafumi." Kirishima purred sweetly, grabbing onto Yokozawa when he climbed up on the bed. He sat down and positioned the hybrid across his lap so he could lie down facing upwards. The youngers breath hitched and instinctively, he tried wriggling away. "Don't run."

A conflicted gleam passed through those expressive gray orbs he'd come to love before they hardened. "I-I'm not going to run." He said pointedly, pulling on the rope that was tied around his waist and undoing it, allowing his robe to fall open and reveal himself to the elder.

His body trembled slightly as the vampire ran a cold hand up and down his side. "Are you sure this is something you want to do? I don't want to force you."

There was clear hesitation in the hazel eyed mans voice. He wasn't regretting his proposition, in fact he'd love nothing more than to make love to this man once again, but he wanted to make sure the younger was on board and not just saying yes because he felt like he had to. At any time they could stop and there would be no hard feelings, nor feelings of resentment.

He just wanted to make sure this was something Takafumi wanted as well.

"You're not forcing me."

"Then I want you to give me permission-

"I already gave you permission." The hybrid said embarrassedly, a blush making it's way up his entire body. God, this was shameful. Why couldn't the elder just hurry up and get this over with?

"Well give me permission again and tell me what you want me to do."

Yokozawa stared up at the other man with a look that seemed to say, "you have to be kidding me," but after a while of nothing progressing, he guessed this was something the elder clearly wanted to move on.

As if laying naked across Kirishima's lap wasn't embarrassing enough, he had to grant permission again. He covered his face and mumbled. "You can do it."

"What was that?"

Yokozawa moved his hands away from his face and rested them by his head, a nonverbal way of telling the elder he could take him. "I-I'm ready, Kirishima." He whispered. "Y-you can do whatever you want."

Not batting an eye at this, Kirishima smiled softly at him, leaning down and capturing his lips in a delicate kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you too." The hybrid replied back without a second thought. There was no reason to hold back in moments like this right? He was already about to be taken, so no use acting like he didn't ask for this.

The vampire stuck two fingers in his mouth and began sucking on them. Allowing his tongue to twirl around them and coat them with a generous amount of saliva before retracting them and placing them at Yokozawa's entrance.

He inserted one and began moving it around in an attempt to stretch the younger male.

Yokozawa's breath hitched in discomfort and he began to wriggle on Kirishima's lap. Why didn't he remember it being this painful before?

Before he could get accustomed, another finger was added making a groan escape his lips. Quickly, he turned his face to the side and tried hiding as best as he could but that was impossible when he was practically laying across the others legs.

Kirishima gripped his chin and turned his face so he could look at him. "Don't look away." He growled out, keeping his grip on Yokozawa's chin as he continued to finger him.

Gray eyes teared up but he managed to keep his eyes focused on the elder even though his vision was blurred by warm tears. He'd just gotten used to both of the vampires intruding fingers when he felt another one wriggle it's way in and stretch him even more. His mouth fell open as he cried out. A pained sob escaping him.

He felt something begin to trickle down his leg and he practically freaked out. Was he bleeding?

"Shh." Kirishima hushed him. "You're doing good. Just keep relaxing yourself like that." He saw the elder retract his fingers and couldn't help but notice there was some type of fluid coating them.

What was that?!

Before he could bring himself to ask, the vampire began stripping himself of all clothing articles. Yokozawa didn't want to be a cock block, but couldn't help the look of fear that crossed his face when he stupidly made the mistake to allow his eyes to roam downwards.

"W-wait." He said when Kirishima repositioned him on the bed and loomed over him, but it was too late, the elder had already thrusted in, shoving his entire shaft past every protesting muscle and filling him to the hilt.

Tears flowed freely down his face. He was too frozen in pain to feel the other pull out only to ram back in roughly. His mouth fell open as pained moans began escaping him. He writhed on the bed pathetically before accepting fate and wrapping his arms around Kirishima.

The vampire leaned down and placed chaste kisses anywhere he could reach. He saw the expressions on Yokozawa's face flicker every now and then. He was enjoying this. As if the faces he was making weren't enough evidence, his cock was leaking precum.

Kirishima picked up the hybrids leg and threw it over his shoulder, his thrusts now hitting the youngers prostrate over and over again. He made sure to keep aiming there, not allowing the other any rests as his ramming became more aggressive, more punishing.

He was so focused on delivering Yokozawa pleasure that he hadn't realized that the younger had came already. He was panting softly, twitching involuntarily as he tried to move away and close his legs to avoid the painful overstimulation Kirishima was causing him, but the elder didn't allow it.

Instead, he pulled him even closer, opting to throw both of his legs over his shoulders to prevent escape. He began thrusting once again, watching as his mate cried out, his entire body flushed and glistening with sweat.

"K-kirishima." The younger sniffled, spasming uncontrollably. His back arched off the bed beautifully as he orgasmed again. This climax hitting harder than before, his hips bucked roughly as he rode out the overstimulation that was no longer blissful.

He fell against the bed, his body heavy and his energy completely spent. He could only lie there and hope the elder was close to climaxing soon. But it didn't look like it. He was left to ride out the brutal assault until his legs gave out and he could no longer support himself.

His legs that had wrapped around the other slumped. He couldn't take this anymore. "Z-zen." He called out. "E-enough, I can't anymore."

At that moment, Kirishima came.

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