Part 10- How could he not remember me?

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Yokozawa's first day of college came a lot sooner than anyone would've expected, or wanted for that manner. Despite being totally against the idea, Kaijū taught his son everything he could in the short amount of time he was given.

He taught him how to hide his pheromones, his ears and tail, and as well as his whole identity.

Other people couldn't know he was a hybrid, so instead, the father taught him how to be a vampire.

It was hard at first, but Yokozawa had finally gotten the hang of it and learned how to suppress his ears and tail. He had to be the perfect vampire, there could be no mistakes.

At this point it was life or death.

"So this is it. It's your big day." The vampire father said, a tight lipped smile on his face as he tried to keep up his calm facade.

It wasn't an easy or natural task. Every paternal instinct and fiber in his body was yelling at him, demanding that he hug his son and never let go. His body was hot with confusion, yet cold with worry.

He didn't like this.

He didn't approve of this.

"I'm excited. I still think it's going to be a fun experience." Yokozawa replied to his father. "And even if it turns out bad, I can always say that I tried."


This was it.

He was only allowing this to happen because it was going to make his pup happy. So, even though he was deeply hurt, he'd let Takafumi get his way this time around.

"I'm happy for you, son. I know this is something you've wanted for a while."Kaijū hugged his son tightly.

"Make me proud." He whispered in the boys ear, continuing to give the boy a bone shattering embrace.

"I-I'll try." Yokozawa took a step back and sighed. "Well I have to leave or else I'll be late to my first class."

Kaijū perked up. "I can drop you off-

Ókami shook her head. "Oh no you don't. We're waiting for Iokawa to show up so he can drop him off. We all know you're going to try and talk him out of this."

The vampire released a breathy laugh. "I wouldn't do that to him, unless he expressed his concerns to me." Kaijū looked at Takafumi. "So? Are you still sure about this? It's not too late to back out-

"Kaijū!" His wife exclaimed, her eyes dark with oncoming anger. "Leave him alone and stop trying to pressure him into backing out."

The two parents continued bickering back and forth. Both stating why they thought this would be good, and how it could end terribly. They kept on until there was a knock at the door.

"That must be Iokawa. Go son, and make sure you listen to him."

Yokozawa nodded his head before picking up his folder and heading towards the door. He stopped before turning the knob and smiled at his parents. "Thanks."

Kaijū and Ókami just smiled, watching as he made his departure.

"See. That's what makes being a parent worth it." The werewolf smiled sweetly while patting her husband's shoulder softly in a comforting manner.

"I miss him already."

Yokozawa walked towards Iokawa and gave him a small nod of acknowledgment. "Hey."

"Hey Takafumi. How's it going?"

"Pretty well. I'm surprised I was even allowed outside of the front door."

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