Part 23- At odds.

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The vampire watched as the younger male continued wailing for what seemed like a little over an hour. He tried to comfort him in any way possible, but that didn't seem to be working.

He'd tried everything at this point, but Takafumi just seemed so against the idea of them being mates. It's not like he could change it, so why not just move on and accept it? That was the only logical thing to do.

He wasn't going to tell the other to shut up and accept it though, even if he'd eventually have to come to terms with it.

With a sigh he leaned down. "It's honestly not that bad. I can understand why you're upset, but these tears aren't going to solve anything. Why don't we go to my car and talk about this like adults, hmm?"

The gray eyed man shook his head stubbornly. "L-leave me alone. I don't want anything to do with you." He continued sniffling, never once glancing up. He kept his head ducked and his face hidden.

"Well we certainly can't keep making a scene in the courtyard, so come on. Up we go." He grabbed onto the other's arms and pulled him into a standing position, using his thumb and index finger to tilt his face up and wipe away any cascading tears. "You've been crying a lot. Your eyes are all red and puffy."

"S-shut up." Yokozawa said, using one of his arms to wipe at his face. "J-just leave me alone. You've ruined everything."

Kirishima exhaled tiredly. He needed to be levelheaded about this. He'd just told this guy something he never wanted to hear. "I can't leave you alone, Takafumi. That's not how this works. You know that, and I know that. So let's go talk about what this means."

"N-no. This means nothing."

Instead of standing there arguing, the elder simply took the initiative and began dragging the younger to the car, having to manhandle and pick him up halfway from how much he was resisting. Once he got him in the car, he seemed to tense even more.

"Ok. Now that we're here, let's talk."

"I don't want to talk. I want to go home."

The hazel eyed man had never dealt with someone so stubborn and unwilling to accept reality. This was going to be a long journey for sure. "I know this isn't what you wanted, but I think it's for the best. I'll take care of you-

"I don't want that." Yokozawa began crying all over again. This was it. He'd fucked up big time. What was he going to tell his parents? How was his father going to react to him having found his mate? It was this lack of knowledge that had him scared.

But he couldn't tell any of this to Kirishima. The elder could never know that he wasn't who he thought he was.

He was stuck. This was something he was never going to give into.

"Pup, don't be this way." Kirishima said, gripping the others chin and forcing him to make eye contact. "I understand if you're scared, but you can't deny what we have. We've practically already synced, why won't you just accept it?"

"Cause I can't. I don't want this-

The elder cut him off with a kiss. Practically slamming their lips together. Little by little, Yokozawa's cries were reduced to miniscule sniffles as he stared wide eyed but didn't make any attempt to pull back.

"You can't tell me you didn't like that."

Gray eyes stared up in a light haze. He didn't like it, but at the same time, he didn't dislike it. What was going on? His mind was saying one thing, but his body and heart were saying another. Why couldn't his sentiments and instincts work together for once?

"I-I don't like it." He finally said, wiping his lips. "I just want to go home."

It was like he was begging. His voice had turned desperate and shaky. There was a scared undertone as well as something else the elder just couldn't decipher. Why was Yokozawa being this way? He was a better match for him than whatever his friend's name was.

He just had to prove it.

"If you're scared of what your parent's might say, I can always go with you-

That was it. That was the last straw for the younger male. He punched the other in the face and growled menacingly. "I hate you. You ruined everything." He opened the door to the car and began walking away briskly.

Why couldn't everyone just leave him alone? He wanted this to end.

He wanted to end it all.

"Oi, Takafumi. Come back." Kirishima called, not at all caring about his bruised lip that was trickling blood onto his clothes. He just wanted Yokozawa to tell him what was so scary so they could face it together. He didn't have to be alone.

But chasing after Takafumi didn't seem to be working. The more he chased after and followed him, the more space Yokozawa would put between them. Perhaps giving up was the only real solution.

Yokozawa didn't want a mate. He didn't want him. He didn't want anybody.

The vampire ran a hand over his face. He wasn't ready to give up so easily. This was a prize everyone wanted. If someone else beat him to such a desired person, he would never be able to live it down. To know he had something so great and let it slip through his fingers.

With an enraged grunt, he decided chasing after the fleeing man wouldn't be worth it, he'd probably just stress him out even more. So he'd give him space for now, but whenever the chance would arise, little by little he'd try to make Yokozawa fall for him.

That was the plan for now. He put his car in drive and drove off. There was no point in loitering around in the parking lot because if his senses were right, the younger male was long gone by now. His sweet and innocent scent was very faint, barely lingering in the air.

He probably ran to his house already. Kirishima thought while shaking his head.

The gray eyed man could run, he could even hide if he wanted to, but that wouldn't stop him from turning over every rock and finding him. This was a game of patience and will. A game he was skilled at.

He'd make Yokozawa his.

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