Part 13- I can't.

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After an uncomfortable couple of minutes of sitting in the car with Iokawa, Yokozawa was happy to be home. Which was honestly surprising because he used to hate having to be there. But he figured things were different when he wasn't being forced to do things for his safety.

The first to greet him was his dad. Pitch black orbs stared from the doorway as he waited for his son to approach him. "Hey, son." Kaijū greeted, pulling his child into a tight, suffocating embrace. "How was your first day?"

Yokozawa hugged his dad back tightly before taking a small step back. "It was nice. I got to meet a lot of new people."

At that, the vampire only nodded. A furrow between his brows as he led his son back into the familiar home, Iokawa following close behind. "I see. Did you make any friends?"

Once that sentence was uttered in that all too recognizable voice, the hybrid knew it was a trick question. His father was testing him to see if he'd gotten close to anyone at the university so he could reprimand him on how he had to be cautious of people who might want to take advantage of him.


"And don't lie, Takafumi. I'm your father. I know when you're lying or only telling part of the story."

Yokozawa gulped awkwardly. If he told the truth, he'd get a lecture. If he lied, he'd get an unknown punishment and a lecture. His choices weren't exactly favorable right now.

"I didn't make any friends..." He trailed off, avoiding his father's gaze. He didn't see how this mattered. Why was it anyone's business who he talked to at the university? It's not like they were going to become anything. They were simply two people who happened to go to the same college.

It was simply that. Nothing more.

Kaijū tilted his head to the side. "Is that all? Or did you want to add more to that hesitant statement?"

The hybrid released an annoyed puff of air. "I didn't make any friends, but some guy was extremely nice to me today. He helped me find a class. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

Black eyes began glowing a faint red. "Is that all he did? He didn't insist anything or try to-

"No. He just helped me find a class, dad."

"Why didn't you ask Iokawa for help? He was supposed to be watching over you today. What happened?"

Yokozawa couldn't let Iokawa look like the bad guy considering he'd already covered for him and went out of his way for him. So he dipped his head. "I-I didn't want him to help me. I told him he could go to class but I ended up losing my schedule so I got lost."

His dad sighed, a look of disappointment marring his features. "Takafumi, what was the first thing i told you?"

"I'm sorry-

"What was the first thing I told you?" Kaijū asked more sternly, frightening his son who flinched under his strong voice and burning eyes. "What was the first thing I told you before you stepped foot out of this house?"

"T-to listen to Iokawa-

"So why didn't you?!"

Yokozawa stood there. He was embarrassed because his father was yelling at him like a child and Iokawa was a witness to it all. He brought a hand up and covered his face as tears ran down his cheeks. Why did things keep getting worse and worse?

The dad took pity on his crying son. With a tender look he pulled the boy to his chest and sighed wearily. "Don't cry, Takafumi. I'm sorry I yelled at you but you don't seem to realize the trouble you put yourself in by trying to do things on your own. What's wrong with depending on those who want to help you?"

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