Kissing is Safer

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You woke up to a clap of thunder. You hated thunder. You reached your arm over to the side of the bed to pull Spencer closer. But it was empty. All the memories of yesterday rushed over you. Emily had brought you home and stayed with you all day. It wasn't late but you were exhausted and fell asleep early. You turned to face the window. You couldn't handle seeing the empty spot. You stared at the window until the storm turned into drizzle. You looked at the time and saw that it was 7 am. You dreadfully got out of bed and sat next to the toilet pre-paring yourself. After waiting for 10 minuets there it was. You wanted the morning sickness to just disappear.

You brushed your teeth and made your way over to the living room. The table was still set and the food was untouched. The candles had been blown out before you both left so now they were half way melted. The donuts were stale and the champagne was flat. You weren't going to drink it but you wanted to celebrate with him. You walked over to the gift bag and pulled out the pregnancy tests, you shoved them back into the bag remembering that as soon as you had some alone time you made a call to squeeze you in for an appointment. You were going to take Spencer just to double check and take pictures home. The world was dull now. It was romantic and beautiful now the sun wasn't even out so fill your home with warmth. You felt empty again. You began getting dressed and opened the door. You were met with a hand in the air. Hotch was about to knock on your door.

"Y/n I came to check on you" he put his hand back down

He looked casual today. A black polo and khaki's. Well casual for Aaron Hotchner

"I have a doctors appointment" you cleared your throat. It had been sore from all the sobbing

"Sonogram?" he questioned

"Yeah" you looked down at your feet. You noticed that you were wearing one of Spencer's socks. He would've laughed at the perfect mismatched pair

"Let me take you" he offered

You didn't want to argue so you nodded and followed him to his car


"Y/n y/l/n?" a nurse called out

"That's me" you stood up

You looked back down and Hotch

"Stay here please" 

He nodded and let you walk towards the nurse.

You were sitting alone surrounded by a monitor and posters. You wanted Spencer here to hold your hand. You heard the door creek open and a doctor walked in.

"Are you here alone?" she put some hand sanitizer on before sitting down on a stool

"Yeah" you held back a tear

"Okay so I am going to lift your shirt up and then I am going to place this gel on your tummy and it might feel cold" she looked at you before touching you

You smiled and nodded

"Would you like some pictures today"

"Yeah" you couldn't look at the screen without Spencer. You looked up at the ceiling. Visualizing stars and cool breeze hitting your face.

"So by the looks of it you are 6 weeks along and so far everything looks normal. Congratulations" she smiled

"Gr--Great" your voice cracked

"Does the father know about the child" she began to wipe the gel off your stomach

"No" you frowned. You never got the chance to tell him

"Will you tell him" she lowered your shirt

"I can't." you sat up a little "He's dead" you choked back a tear

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