She's Kicking

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"By the way I don't care if I win or lose, I will be the one eating all of these jellybeans" you slowly slid your pile of jellybeans towards the conference room table, as far your body would let you reach. You looked at Spencer with a seductive look hoping he would think you were bluffing

Just as you thought he sucked his teeth and watched you with a smirk as you pulled your hand away. You were sitting in the conference room with the team expect Hotch, JJ and Rossi playing a good old game of poker. So far you, Spencer and Emily were left.

"Do you think the lady is bluffing" Derek spoke as he observed you and Spencer interact

"I know the lady is bluffing" he stated matter a factly and you furrowed your brow as he continued to explain "because she has a tell"

Simple explanation but you also gave a simple reply "No I don't"

"I go all in" he shrugged

Emily smiled and her eyes wandered to her cards before looking back up "I'm loving the intense looks" she happily moved her jellybeans into the pile "I call"

"Alright let's see them" Derek sipped on his drink

"Three of a kind... king high" Emily licked her bottom lip and placed her cards down with a confident smile

Penelope held back a snort. You knew she was standing behind you and she knew you were going to wipe the floor.

Spencer placed his cards down by pairs "Pair of kings... pair of sevens" he paused and overconfidently said "Oh three sevens" he put down his last card and looked back up at you with a cheesy smile

"A full boat from the sassy Dr.Reid" Derek reached over and patted him on the shoulder with praise

You gave him a frown letting him get a peak of his so called victory. But once you put your cards down you couldn't help but flash a big smile. Everyone gave there ooh's and aah's before you said "A straight flush" you began to gather all the jellybeans and drag them towards you "I'm sorry doctor" you made an emphasis on the 'doctor'

He threw his head back and drew small circles with his fingers on the table. A similar image you missed seeing. Although that image included a bed and less people.

"I thought being banned from every casino in Vegas would have given you an advantage" you shrugged and threw a jellybean into your mouth

"Listen, the deck of 52 cards is the number of combinations of a factorial of 52, you simply need to calculate your outs and then your implied odds. Math is the basis of all card games" he paused to look back at you "so yes you are correct, knowing all of this I assumed I would have an advantage"

"All this time and you don't know when I lie" you questioned

He sighed and picked up his drink. Pulling away from the conversation

Derek reached over and tried to snatch away a jellybean but you smacked his hand away

"Hey sharing is caring" he playfully withdrew his hand away

"I don't see a tiny human coming out of your vagina anytime soon" you playfully stuck your tongue out

"I thought you hated using your pregnancy to justify any decision" he shot back

"I am the pregnant one so I get to change the meaning whenever I want to" you stole a french-fry from his brown paper bag

"Reid do something" he turned away from you and pouted

"Not my place" he giggled

"Good boy" you gave him an approving nod

"Good boy?" Emily repeated "I see who wears the pants"

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