Draco Malfoy X Reader X Harry Potter

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New Girl

As I sat in the compartment, giving my parents a last wave, the train started to move and I sighed.

This was going to be hard. I had just transferred school from Beauxbatons, and it was Hogwarts we were talking about. I loved that school, I knew everything about it because I've read so much, but I didn't know if I was going to fit in.

A knock on the door made me look up. I got up and slid open the door, finding none other than the Harry Potter standing in front of me. " You must be Harry Potter. "

He looked at me shocked, which turned into confusion before a grin broke on his face. " Sarah! " I laughed and threw my arms around his neck.

" Look at you! You actually remember
me! " I teased, rocking us side to side.
" Shut up! " He ruffled my hair and I groaned.

Breaking the hug, I let him in and sat across him. " How come you're here? " I shrugged. " I decided to switch schools. I had enough of Girls Can't Play Quidditch at Beauxbatons. You know how much I hate that tall witch!! "

Harry laughed, making me smile. He looked more handsome in the Hogwarts outfit. " So you're going to Hogwarts now? I'm so glad! Ron and Hermione were dying to meet you-"

" Where are they anyway? " Harry grinned goofily. I hadn't met his best friends at school, but as much as I've heard of them, I knew they were great people.

" They're made prefects this year! They have a few more responsibilities. " I laughed. " I bet Ronald's face was worth watching. "

Harry nodded, amused.

You must be wondering how I know him. Well, I love in the apartment beside The Dursleys. Although we don't see each other most of the years, we always summers. We've spent all our summers together and we were best friends ever since we were toddlers.

Mum and dad had accepted mine and Harry's friendship the same day I had met him and they didn't mind. They liked Harry very much that they always asked him to pack his bags and get his ass in their apartment.

I realised Harry had been thinking too.
" So, what house do you think I'll be
in? " I asked and Harry blinked. " Let's just hope not Slytherin, yeah? You know I hate Malfoy. "

I giggled. " Where's that git? I wanna punch him for years now. " Harry chuckled. " I think you'll be Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. "

I scoffed. " Oh, please! I have no Hufflepuff personality. " I flipped my hair and giggled. Harry chuckled. " Of course, love. We'll see once you get sorted. "

That nickname always fluttered my heart. He said it with so much gentleness in his voice everytime, it only made me melt.

The door slid open once again and a blonde boy walked in. He was tall and had icy grey eyes, pale skin and a sharp jaw. Quite handsome looking in that black suit. But seeing the two cronies behind him, I knew who it was.

" Ah! Got yourself a girlfriend, Potter? Haven't seen her around. Did you pay her? " Harry's face was definitely, switched to anger. I knew very well how angry he got around Draco Malfoy, who seemed to tick him so much.

But something in me just clicked. He seemed handsome despite all the words Harry said to describe him. Like god damn handsome.

" Fuck off, Malfoy. " He spat and and Malfoy snickered with the two boys behind him. I glared at them, instantly making them shut their mouths. Draco looked at me up and down, amused.

" Just leave her alone already. " Harry grumbled, which made Malfoy smirk.
" She's too pretty to be left alone. " I cleared my throat and looked away from his tempting gaze.

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