Two Shot (2)

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His Touch


Yn shifted in her seat uncomfortably, moving more towards Draco until her shoulder brushed against his.

She was stuck.

Draco glanced at her and his face instantly formed into a scowl as he spotted Terrence Higgs sitting on the other side of her.

The class started but he couldn't care less. " Do you want to sit here? " He whispered and Y/n looked at him.

She had suddenly stopped breathing at the closeness, " No, " She breathed out, breaking the eye contact, " I'm fine. "

Draco nodded, clearing his throat.
Damn it, he thought, I knew a bed would definitely make it awkward for us!

He sighed through his nose and as soon as the bell rung, he shot up and grabbed her arm, pulling her up. Y/n whipped around as Higgs grabbed on her wrist.

" Don't touch her. " Draco seethed, getting Y/n's hand out of his grip. Terrence Higgs smirked, " Wasn't that the place a scar existed? "

Y/n's stomach twisted into knots as she stared at Higgs with an empty look.
Draco clenched his jaw and nudged Y/n further gently, pushing her all the way towards the exit of the classroom.

" Why don't you fucking say something to him? " He hissed, " Do I always have to be around? "

Y/n sighed, glancing at her wrist he was holding. It was a gentle and smooth grip. His touch. Y/n knew that was the main reason whatever had happened with Higgs.

She still recalled how stupid she was. shaking her head, she blinked and clicked her tongue, " I'm fine. "

" You're not. " Draco whipped around, coming to a halt. " I don't like it when you take his shit-"

" Draco, " Y/n cut him off, " I'm fine. " She pressed, motioning him to keep walking. Draco scoffed and slid his hand off, fastening his pace.

Y/n rolled her eyes, her footsteps more slower compared to his as she took her time to walk towards the Great Hall for lunch.

Suddenly, someone knocked into her shoulder and she looked at the raven-haired boy blankly.

" You have glasses on, " She muttered and Harry Potter scoffed, " But you were standing in my way. "

Y/n sighed, not definitely in the mood to argue. " Whatever, sorry. " She mumbled, feeling a burning gaze on the back of her head and rushed past the boy, heading straight to the Great Hall.

She knew she won't escape that state any time soon, but all she needed was to sit beside Draco and feel at ease, even though he seemed mad at her.

It was ironic. How Draco managed to drive her insane. His touch was everything she needed, and yet, she avoided it like plague.

Which had led her to an almost life-ending suffering. She was glad he was there when ever she needed him.

But she needed him in many different ways. She wasn't sure if she was supposed to feel that way around him, but she also couldn't help it.

She avoided eye contact with the blonde and sat beside her, only to be pushed aside by Pansy. Draco shot up, catching her before she could hit the ground.

" Parkinson, what the fuck? " He snapped and Y/n bit back saying
I'M FINE again and glared at Pansy, who was smirking at her.

" Oh, come on. " She chuckled dryly,
" You feel so satisfied just by knocking into me? " She raised an eyebrow and Pansy scoffed.

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