Harry Potter

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Stuck with You

" L/n!!! Going somewhere? " Drawled Draco Malfoy's voice and Y/n came to a halt as she stepped out of the library.

" You can do better than stalking me, Malfoy. " Y/n turned around, finding the blonde leaning against the wall beside the door of library.

" I wasn't stalking you. I was just finding some time to trouble you. " He gave her a sly smirk, pushing off the wall and taking two long strides, reaching right in front of her.

Y/n glared at him with annoyance.
" You're impossible. " She mumbled, squinting her eyes. He was a few inches taller, that made her look up at him slightly.

" Oh, darling I know I am. " He smirked and Y/n rolled her eyes. " Don't give me nicknames, Malfoy. We're better off insulting each other! " Y/n countered and Draco chuckled huskily.

" Being with that Potter and mudb- "

" I dare you to complete that sentence. "
Y/n says through gritted teeth, stepping closer. Draco's smirk widened.

" That's exactly what I'm saying. You've been wilder and that peeks my interest and curiousity. " He whispered and Y/n realised how close she was standing.

Flustered, she took a step back and turned around to walk away. " Ever heard of Curiousity killed the cat? " She smirked and heard a haughty chuckle.

" You're warning me? " He seethed in a serious tone and Y/n shrugged at him past her shoulder. " For the better, Malfoy. "

She mocked and started walking away.

Y/n quickly mumbled her password and stepped in her Gryffindor Common Room. She spotted her best friends sitting by thr study tables and grinned.

" N/n! Where have you been? " Hermione turned to her and Y/n shrugged. " Malfoy. "

" What did that git do? " Harry was quick to ask, which made Hermione and Ron snicker.

" Nothing much. Just the usual exchange of insults. " She mumbled, not meeting anyone's eye as she took out her parchment.

" Has anyone done with their Potions essay already? " She grumbled, letting her quill fall on the parchment, droplets of ink splattering.

" I'm done. " Hermione beamed and Y/n giggled. " Of course, you are. I was asking the club! " She grinned as she turned to Ron and Harry, who gave her boyish grins and no in return.

" Let's start! We can have all weekend
free. " She fake cheers and starts scribbling furiously. Ron started too grudgingly and Harry watched Y/n for a few seconds. As she bit her lip, which she always does when she's thinking hard or confused, Harry looked back at his unwritten plain parchment.

After what seemed like hours of writing, Y/n looked at her wrist watch and sighed. It was half past midnight. A tired yawn escaped her lips as she collected her stuff.

Ron had long left, and Harry was just watching the girl. " I'm hungry. " She mumbled, which made Harry chuckle.

" How about we keep this back and sneak to the kitchen? I'm sure Dobby will be happy to help. " Harry suggests and watches as Y/n's face etched into pure glee at the thought of food.

" See you in five. " She grabbed her stuff and ran upstairs, trying not to make any sounds. She quickly pulled on her night wear before tip toeing back downstairs.

Harry was also in his nightwear, and he had his Invisibility Cloak on his hands. Y/n grinned and let Harry cover it over her and himself.

As they stepped out, they spotted the hallways eerily quite and empty, their footsteps echoeing painfully. They started to walk with heavier steps and reached down the fruit bowl portrait.

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