since i saw l'manburg

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I quickly opened my door and struggled pulling the man inside my home  to get him out the cold he seemed to become alot more aware what was going on now

"Hes like the same hight as Wilbur but slightly taller" I told Otter who was pawing at the mans face who ended up coughing up blood  a tad bit outta turned around to me and mowed at me "good work doctor Otter"

I found a health potion and put it against the mans lips and making him drink it outta was layed on the mans lap guess my cat loves him more than me

I didn't realise what he looked like at first but he had black and white hair and was wearing a white button up on the collar of the shirt connected was a silver chain he also had on black jeans and black and white high tops I do have to admit he did look handsome

I noticed the man start to regain strength "urgh where am I? Ender chest ?" He spoke with a rough voice from basically just regaining consciousness "your in my base and outter says hi" I giggled at the fact my cat meowed at him. He sat up adjusting his crown strange he petted outter. outta seemed to approve of him I only knew that he did was because he was sprawled out "he likes you..." "my name's ranboo what's yours miss" he answered my question before I could ask it "my name is y/n"

"I wish outta was like that with my brother and dad he seemingly attacks the ghost every time wil comes" I ranted Ranboo chuckled playing with outta "I don't know my family only that my mother was an enderman saying that I don't really remember how I got here" he sighed and then pulled out an note book writing in it but also speaking aloud "meet a wild fox girl" I smiled at him

The door burst open reviling techno I screamed in fear outta jumped onto ranboo's head  hissing at the half pig man "haven't you heard of a thing called knocking technoblade" I yelled using his full length of his name "shut up y/n at least I'm not half fox" I pulled out my bow and arrow aiming it at techno "oh hey ranboo why are you at this nerds house " techno spoke to ranboo who was trying to currently get a cat off his head "urm I forgot I think it was the rain tho" he answered techno finely putting outta on his lap

"Anyway y/n we have a problem dream looking for Tommy" techno spoke I looked at him in shock if dream found out I was working with techno to hide Tommy he'll take my last life from me "ima need  you to stay in l'manburg for now find out were my weapons are we still need Tommy " techno spoke sternly I nodded and went to pack my stuff I looked out side the snow and rain had stopped I noticed ghostbur he flew to me and hugged me "be safe my little pogchamp" I smiled at the ghost

Techno and Ghostbur left after awhile techno had blue all over him he was annoyed at that I looked over to ranboo he hadn't said a word he was just petting outta "mr boo do you have a house in l'manburg since I kinda can't stay with fundy" I laughed nervously "huh yeah I do I'm guessing you need to stay awhile just in case" he smiled I nodded he stood up he was super tall I only went up to this shoulders I knew I was 5'5 but had to be over 6' wtf

Ranboo picked up outta and opened the door for me I thanked him and we left to go back to were I was born I hope fundy doesn't get mad at me I've tried to avoid him at all cost

I'm 18 (ranboo in this is 19 because why not) and so was fundy we are twins he looks alot more like sally tho fundy inherited the stronger animal gene from wilbur I I usely just take the form of a half fox so fundy didn't feel lonely or different I sighed and hugged my backpack remembering the look on fundys face when he found out will was dead it honestly scared me because he was hurt but happy

"You okay y/n" i heard ranboo ask I just nodded and continued walking to l'manburg  "can you keep the secret that I'm a spy for techno" I looked up at him he had outta in his arms I saw him nod

we got to l'manburg with no problem I saw fundy and he saw me and walked up to me he hugged me it shocked me "where have you been y/n me and nikki worried sick" he let out a sigh of relief I soon warmed up to the hug and hugged back he finaly relased me from the hug soon noticing outta and ranboo "I got lost exsporing I found ranboo wandering aroud the forest he showd me the way out" I lied I hated lying to him but I couldn't tell him the truth

I took outta from ranboo and he pointed to his house I imidely went there while I noticed alot of animal's I placed outta down and went outside the lanterns glowed brightly when the night hit

I remember the look on Wilburs face when he sang the national anthem to me and fundy when we was old enough to remember he had this look of joy and sorrow since it was also the day sally went missing...


Hey I hoped you liked this chapter  sorry if it seemed a bit all over the place I promise it won't always be like this but like half of this was written at like 5am anyway I hope you have an amazing day
~Viktor ~

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