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trigger warning: panic attacks

Ranboo's  pov

Everything was destroyed, niki burned the lmantree down, fundy is going insane and the look on y/n face as she spawned withers was a mix of sadness and happiness
Ghostbur floated angrily over to philza yelling about friend

Now I'm in the panic room where phil found me panicking in the panic room surrounded by my animals he offered me a place to stay with a warm smile

Time skip...

As we arrived at technos base we heard yelling "how the fuck did you let orphan leave his cell" "I don't know fucking furry maybe because some how a creeper was down there" the yelling continue phil having enough of it

"Will you guys quit it out" phil yelled at them I was behind him towering over him stupid genetics I wasn't even half human I don't know my other half "hey y/n your technical an orphan right" techno turned to the girl trying to get a villager into a cell "noooooo it's not like both my parents are dead now" she rolled her eyes finally getting orphan back in his box

"Oh noo philza shes a main character we're side characters I don't know about ranboo. Ranboo do you have parents" techno complained I just nervously laughed and let out a shaky breath "if I do I don't remember them"  "philza minecraft I taught n/n how to fight I'm her sensei ima die phil. Plus ranboo is now also seemingly a main character " techno continue on with this rant for hours until y/n drew her sword and somehow was behind techno sword near his neck he elbowed her side (with them hot elbows) she hugged her side in pain

Philza was wheezing at this point "rule number one never trust anyone n/n" techno climb the ladder  "fuck you prock and don't quote old fucking vines technoblade" the small gremlin yelled I was trying so hard not to laugh

She looked at me and I smiled "your safe ranboo thank god" she ran over to me and hugged me I hugged her back she was warm its been a while since someone has shown affection for me it feels nice

She let go and realized something rushing out I followed her since phil went to techno

We arrived at her house and immediately she went in the house looking for something "urm what you lost" I asked my head tilting to the side she looked at me tears down her face "my cat dr.Otter" she was panicking hyperventilating "come on y/n calm down now copy my breathing pattern in and out"

She soon calmed down I remember I picked up a brown and white cat moving my pets to the panic room "otter is at my panic room pumpkin  don't worry okay hes safe you left him at my old place before the l'manhole" I explained she looked up at me face red from crying  "you could have told me that before hand" she lightly punched me but at least she was smiling now

I wanted to go tho the docks for some odd reasons I looked at the sky and noticed that the sun would be setting soon she followed me the neather portal going through it

Most people say that they feel nauseous when entering or existing these things  but to me it was quite normal I looked at the smoll human/shapeshifter  looking like they was going to throw up I let out a low chuckle she tried to death glear me but it didn't work

As we got to the dock we saw the sun lowering it was beautiful "I think this is the frist time I've seen the sun set here" I spoke sitting down she sat down next to me and then looked confused "you saw it yesterday ranboo I thought you wrote it down?" She spoke with concern soft voice

What does she mean I was here yesterday I know I wasn't i was asleep I know I was it might have been someone else who she thought was me yeah that's possible don't worry now ranboo your fine

I'm okay ,I'm okay,  I'm okay


Wooooo ranboo chapter  I hope you enjoyed it sorry if it looks all over the place I wrote this at like at 4am but I'm happy with how it turned out tho so if you did enjoy please vote (or I'll run to were you are and do it myself)  even comment it  means alot to me when you do since you guys are amazing

~viktor ~

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