arms tonight

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Warning for this chapter

3rd pov....

The battle was intense no one had died yet and yet everyone wanted the same man dead just some wanted to know the information he held so they stood by him afraid of the true power he atuly has over everyone

As the enderman finally joined the battle standing by his girlfriend fighting along side her he knew dream needed to be killed and now was the time to finally cut ties with the green blob and yet he wasn't full in control of himself so as the sound of metal against metal filled their ear so did dreams voice to ranboo

Ranboo or what we know as ranboo past out and he covered his eyes so he wouldn't remember he joined dream side "eh always knew you were a follower ranboo" Wilbur commented as ranboo stopped fighting him and was fighting george who had joined the battle as he was awoken by his house burning a second time

Y/n didn't notice ranboo gone as she was to busy fighting sapnap of all people she forgot who she was only wanting to kill the man who killed her mother to focused on rage sapnap got an opening slicing her side she ran away not before screaming in pain she ran towards were ranboo was big mistake

The enderman stopped what he was doing George begging her to go away from her partner but still she thought she knew better George trying to still kill ranboo y/n blocking him causing him to stop

Y/n pov...

Was George an idiot ranboo is on our side  I should have known that gogy would want to fight along side his insane lover "pumpkin I'm sorry I can't control it I have to listen to dream hes in control" ranboo rambled as he shamefully removing the blindfold I turn to him and I go to reach for my sword but it's gone where is it no no no

Techno gave me that sword he maded it for me I haven't got my most skilled weapon with me what the fucking hell am I going to do and what was ranboo rambling about everything was like white noise for so long until a jolt of pain felt like it went thought my abdomen screaming in pain as I dropped to the floor ranboo dropping with me is face filled with tears his sobbing filling my ears I reached out and try to wipe his tears away so he wouldn't get hurt yet In that moment I know what happened I smiled looking up at ranboo who was repeatedly apologising to me 

"Ranboo please If we never speak again remember I love you my weather boy" I say to him as I use the last of my strength to pull him into a weak kiss then pulling away as ranboo held onto my body begin for me to stay to hold on for him and apologising everything was fading out and turning into black as I heard one last thing "I love you my pumpkin..." I couldn't hear the rest as I see my last life braking as I died in his arms

Ranboo pov...

She falls limp in my arms what kind of cruel joke is this why did she come to me I want to forget please let me forget I just want to forget this can't be how she goes I wanted to spend my life with her be happy with her till we die of old age or something "I can't just forget my pumpkin" I say to myself  the noise from the battle stopping blood staining my shirt and her orange hoodie her sword layed next my the very weapon I used I'm so sorry fucking sorry y/n I hold her body closer the pain intensifying as my crying deepend my wounds

I was ripped from y/n I didn't fight just let it happen I didn't even realise that the battle had stopped fundy imadlyty going to pumpkins body along with tubbo wilbur and philza the person who pulled me away was techno he looked pissed "what the fuck did you do to y/n ranboo" Tommy said as techno punched me in the cheek dropped me to the floor I curled up into a ball "I'm so sorry I didn't realise what I was doing" I kept repeating

Philza came up to me and hugged me patting my back "I know buddy it wasn't you" he says all as I listened to fundy sob and yelling for her to wake up  "ironic that she died like me isn't it same way just without the farther part killing her" wilbur spoke reminding me that I killed her

It was my fault I can't blame anyone one except me

I'm so sorry my pumpkin I really am


Hey guys hoped you guys enjoyed theres going to be one more chapter  then what a god will be completed and I'll focus on another  mcyt fanfiction

I hope you guys are okay 


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