Chapter 1: A Typical Day

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

A Typical Day with Error.

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In the vast.. white void that he now lives in..


Error is napping. He had to rest.. without rest, he can't function properly.



'What would happen to the Balance?'
The answer to that is Error is a genius. He invented a code that can kill the inhabitants with a painless death and swoosh- the Universe is deleted.

Well.. not really much of a genius since there is a 10% that a being would fall into the void. Poor Void.. Void had to deal with more problem rather than the Memeing Dancing Gasters that are in the Void already..


When he wakes up in the morning.. He has a daily routine.

Firstly.. He had to delete Universes in the morning to have some free time.


>If he encounters Ink, he had to delete more that usual (the usual is about 20-50 copies/ 10 originals that are corrupted).

>If he doesn't encounter Ink, he would delete the usual amount.



Second, he visits the Charas' Void.

For some reason, the charas call him 'Mama' or 'Duncle' or ''Mum'.

(Skeletons don't really have genders, but they mostly prefer he or them (But they are also fine with she), The Charas and Frisks prefer she or them.)


The charas loved him, they treat him like he is their parent of some sort.
(Not gonna blame them, almost all Toriels believed the council. Though the Toriels might be sad about it. They had to, if they didn't follow what the council says, they would be portrayed as a traitor, an outcast)

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