Chapter 5: Hope.

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"It is almost time... Destiny... time is ticking.."

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Ink's POV:

The meeting resumed like nothing happened. The survivors kept thinking on how Error should die. They wanted revenge. We normally wouldn't allow this, especially since Dream don't allow violence (being the Neutral/Chaotic Good he is.) I honestly don't care at all, what annoys me that they are trying to be 'bossy' at us. I hate bossy people. Why can't I just not create? What would happen?

At first, I created because I was lonely.. Now I have friends.. What is stopping me?

I have two reasons..  

One, you'll never know if they would backstab me.. 

Two, I would be useless to them.. If I can't do anything that can make them safe..

My fear disgusts me. I hate being trapped in my own fears..

My fears are the only one stopping me from being free..

Being me...

Ink soon drifts off reality.. thinking hard once more. Sometimes he forgets what he was thinking about.. Good thing he has his reliable scarf.

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Third Person's POV:

Some random survivor: How about we ambush him?

Some random survivor #2: Yeah! 

Some random survivor #3: Uhhh guys.. I don't think this is a good idea..

Some random survivor: Are you scared?

Some random survivor #2: Yeah! She's scared! Hahaha!

Dream: Guys! No bullying! You're making her sad!

Some random survivor #3: I am not scared and I will prove it to you!

They kept telling Ink that he should make an ambush au. The survivors would attack with Ink with their leader. If you are excellent enough, you can see the hate on Ink's face. He clearly doesn't want to be bossed around. 

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