chapter eleven

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Trust your love enough to overcome any challenges.

Trust your love enough to overcome any challenges

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'Janav, I love you.' She whispered, running her hand through his hair.

'I love you, -- ' He paused, looking up at her. He couldn't see her face, but he could see a bright smile on her lips.

'Who are you?' He asked, standing up rudely. Looking around he realised he wasn't in his room.

'Where am I?' He panicked. 'Who are you?!'

'Janav, relax. It's me, Radha, your wife.' She said, grabbing him by his shoulders.

'No...' He trembled, falling. 'I have a.. wife?'

'And a child too.' She smiled. 'Did you forget already? You have given him such a beautiful name.'

Janav sat up on his bed, sweat beads forming on his forehead, as he took in deep breaths. "What, what even was that?" He murmured.

Hearing voices outside his room, he decided to go out. "Radhika and Keshav must know something about this!"

Jumping off the bed, he dragged himself out towards the living room. He found the couple chattering away on the couch.

Suddenly, their chattering was replaced by the tunes of an instrument. Hypnotic and calming in nature, the tunes made him their puppet. Janav found himself walking towards the stairs.

"What is happening to me?" He wondered, tripping on his own feet.

"Abhi-ram." He whispered, before hitting the side of his head on the stair and falling unconscious.

"Janav!" Radhika patted his cheek, trying to wake him up, while Keshav ran around, calling the hospital.

• • •

"Ah!" Madhav rubbed the side of his head.

"How did you hurt your head so suddenly?" Urmilla asked, seeing the faint bruise on his forehead.

"I didn't get hurt, but someone else did."

"Who?" Radha inquired.

"Your husband, Radha."

Without another word, he walked up the stairs, towards the terrace. Sitting against the wall, he stared at the sky, expecting her arrival.

"Madhav," Radha called, approaching him, "Were... Was that a joke?"

"Ofcourse not, priye."

Radha's eyes widen in surprise. "You know about him? How?"

"What is it that I don't know, Radha? I know everything and everyone."

"Can you ever give a simple answer?"

Madhav chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Radha, the answers are always simple. All you need to do is be patient and understand."

"Why did we take you in?" Radha sighed, rubbing her forehead.



Mohan smiled.

"If you wouldn't have taken me in, then someone else would have." He said looking at her with a mischievous smile. "But then we wouldn't have crossed paths either. It means it was destined for me to meet you."

"Then, was it destined for Abhiram to live a fatherless life?"

"Who says Ram will live a fatherless life?"

"His father, Janav did. He, left everyone and moved on in life."

"And who told you this?"


"No. It's just you who says that."

"What do you mean?"

"Radha, sometimes what we see and perceive are way different from the truth. You made your judgement only on the basis of half the truth. You didn't let Janav put forth his side of the truth."

"But, I don't know where he is or what he is doing."

"Don't worry. You'll know soon."

• • •

"He will be fine. He just hurt his head a bit. Nothing serious." The doctor said, packing his bag. As soon as he left, Radhika sighed loudly.

"Keshav," she sobbed.

"Janav will be fine, Radhika." Keshav rubbed her back, calming her down.

"How will we find her Keshav? How will we find, Bhabhi? Janav has lost his memory. How do we tell this to his wife who we've never met?"

"I have..." Janav mumbled, trying to sit up on the bed.

"Slowly brother." Keshav said, helping him sit.

"Have some water, Janav." Radhika offered but he refused it.

"Am I really married?" Janav asked nervously. She nodded.

"When? And where? How do I not remember anything?"

"Eight months ago, you got married. But..."

"But what? Don't stop or else I will go crazy, Keshav." He demanded impatiently.

"Three months ago, during a police operation you met with an accident and lost your memory." Keshav gulped. "You have a wife, and you're also looking after your nephew, Abhiram, as your own son. Because your bhaiya-bhabhi died in an accident."

Janav sighed, giddy in fear. "I have a wife. A kid also....but, I have been away from her for so long. What will she be doing? How will she be doing? I don't even remember her."

"Janav, don't---" Keshav called him softly, placing his hand on Janav's shoulder.

"I'm tired. I want to sleep." Janav cut him off turning his face away from them.

'Who are you? What is your name my wife? Oh Kanha! Please help me in remembering her.'

The duo left Janav and walked out of his room.

"Radhika, I'll go search for his wife again. I might get a hint this time."

"All the best!" Radhika wished with a small smile, watching as Keshav left the house in search of the clues.

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