chapter ten

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Relatives always rejoice when their relatives are in trouble. Just like drops of water on lotus leaves do not stick to the leaves, in the same way is the friendship with people who lack character.

 Just like drops of water on lotus leaves do not stick to the leaves, in the same way is the friendship with people who lack character

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"Madhav, be quick."

"Just a minute, Urmilla."

Madhav scurried down the hall, stopping right in front of Urmilla.

He was dressed in yellow and on his head, sat the royal crown with a peacock feather swaying against the wind. In his right hand, he held his flute, which glimmered brightly, in its divine complexion. He was decorated in jewels which, although fake, looked real.

An enchanting smile adorned his lips.

"Shall we leave now?"

Urmilla nodded.

"Be back soon, Urmilla." Radha said, patting Urmilla's head. Abhiram walked up to Radha and looked at her. "Ma, chalo."

"Sorry baccha. I'm busy." She said, kneeling in front of him. Abhiram held her arm, tugging at it. "Chalo. Ma, chalo."

"Abhi, no." she said softly, freeing her hand. Abhiram pout, his eyes turning moist. He hiccuped, looking at her sadly and began to tear up. "Chalo na, ma."

"Ram," Madhav picked him up, "don't worry. Your ma will come to the play. She needs time to get ready."


"Pakka." Madhav promised, tickling him. Abhiram giggled.

Radha sighed in exhaustion. Picking up her bag, she walked out her way to school.

• • •

Radha walked along the dusty paths, over the uneven stones rooted in the sand. Her eyes were moist, a few tears escaping while she held the rest back.

The sun was in front of her, burning her skin, in an attempt to send her to the shade of the trees. But there was nothing which could stop her, especially when the pain in her heart was stronger than the elements of nature.

The sun, finally, managing to tire her, sent her under a few trees, where she sat – exhausted and hurt.

The soft singing of women reached her ears and she stood up, walking towards the voices which had made her numb to everything in the surrounding, even the sun which threatened to burn everything down in its heat.

Radha stopped in front of the temple. It was pure white in colour, with a bhagva flag on its top, fluttering in the wind. She moved forward, her anklets ringing in rhythm to the sound of the melody.

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