chapter four

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One should lift only such weight as will not exhaust one beyond a limit. One should eat only such food as will easily digest. Who will engage himself in such action as will get him neither dharma nor reputation nor lasting fame and which will only result in physical exhaustion?

 Who will engage himself in such action as will get him neither dharma nor reputation nor lasting fame and which will only result in physical exhaustion?

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"Di! Welcome back." Urmilla smiled, giving her sister a tight hug.

"I met a boy outside. Did you send him? His talks are driving me crazy." She sighed in exhaustion. Placing her bags on the table, she poured a cup of water for herself.

"You mean Madhav?" Urmilla pointed behind her. Radha turned around to find him holding Abhiram in his arms. Abhiram squealed happily.

"What are you doing here? How did you get in? Why are you holding my son?" She said, snatching Abhiram from his arms. The little boy wriggled and struggled in her hold, waving his arms at Madhav.

"Didi, let him be. Abhi likes being with Madhav."

Radha frowned, holding Abhiram protectively. "Who even is this kid?"

"Didi, this is Madhav. He will take care of Ram, while I work part-time."

"What do you mean? When did you even decide all this? With which great person's permission did you allow him to stay next to my son?" Radha whispered, pulling Urmilla aside.

"But, but you told me to find a babysitter for him. Madhav will take care of him till I come back from work."

"And Di, Abhi is really happy when he gets to play with Madhav." She smiled gently.

"But - he is my son. I have the right to decide who should be in his life and who should not." Radha stated possessively.

"You are free to decide, Radha. But, after a while, he must learn to make his own independent decisions." Madhav said, freeing his finger from Abhiram's hand.

With a little pout, he waddled towards his mother. Holding her sari for support, he called for her. "Ma."

Radha's heart skipped a beat, her eyes turning moist. She told a step back and he sat down on the floor, blinking in surprise. Seeing the tears in his mother's eyes, he raised his hands at her and called for her again. "Ma!"

Madhav nudged Urmilla, who bent down to pick him up in her arms. Abhiram held his arms out towards his mother, calling her repeatedly.

"Radha Di! Carry him." Urmilla said, frustrated. Radha, reluctantly, took him in her arms. She held him carefully, like a delicate doll made of glass.

"Ma." Abhiram gave her a sad smile, wiping her tears with his little hands.

"Is my Ram worried about me?" Radha smiled, pinching his nose. Abhiram first rubbed his nose and then, laughed. Tears of happiness flowed down Radha's cheek.

"Haww! Not fair Abhiram. I'm the one who plays with you, feeds you and spends time with you. But you still call for Didi. Don't talk to me!" Urmilla pouted, turning her face away. Playfully, the child tugged at her long braid.

Hugging him tightly, Radha showered him with kisses.

• • •

"Ma!" Inder ran to his mother. Rama followed behind, her anklets echoing.

"What is it, beta?" She asked with a smile.

"Rama and I are going to play. Do you have anything to give for Gopala?" He asked, while Rama's eyes searched the kitchen intently.

"Of course beta. How could I forget to make your friend, Gopala's favourite curd."

"Be careful not to spill it." She added, handing the bowl to Inder. He smiled, licking his lips and passed the bowl to Rama. They ran out of the house.

Gopal, I'm coming with your food. Wait a while; A sweet grin spread on Rama's lips as she ran towards the temple with her brother. Her thoughts brought a smile on someone else's face as well.

"Madhav, are you going somewhere?" Urmilla asked, setting the Pooja Thali.

"To meet my friends." He smiled. "Don't worry, I'll pick you up from the temple." He added, walking out.

Gopal is going to be so happy; Rama could only think of how happy he would be seeing his favourite curd. She could only think of him, with his mouth covered in curd as he ate it.

"Rama, I'll be there." Inder pointed towards the big field nearby, "You meet Gopala and come there."

Rama nodded. Catching her breath, she watched as her brother ran to meet his friends. She started running again.

"Rama," A voice called out to her and she stopped. She looked around and found Madhav sitting under a tree, smiling at her.

She approached him. She had a lot to say, but unfortunately for her, Inder wasn't around to translate her signals into words.

Still, she frowned at him, and rested her free hand on her waist.

"Sorry, sakhi." He held his ears. "I shouldn't have left. But someone else needed me. I won't disappear again. Promise."

He smiled. Rama huffed, nodding once.

"Those curds look quite delicious. Can I have a bite? I haven't eaten anything all day."

What do I do now? I asked ma to make this specially for Gopal. But if I give him some curd, he won't be hungry. But my friend won't like to eat someone's remains. Should I say no just for my friend? That's not good. I'll give him the curd and ask ma to make more for my friend tomorrow.

She passed the bowl to him, sending an apology to her friend in her head.

"But weren't you taking this for your friend? This is so sweet and tasty." He said taking a handful of curd in his mouth.

It's okay, many people will give him curd today. His stomach will be full with so much curd. I will give it to him tomorrow; She smiled sitting down next to him.

"You can still give him the curd today." He said handing her the bowl, with just one helping of the curd. His mouth and hands were covered in curd along with his clothes.

She looked at the bowl of curd in disbelief.

I'll share this with bhaiya and his friends.

Dusting her clothes, she smiled at Madhav and ran away towards her brother.

I'm sorry, Gopal. I couldn't give you your favourite food today. But I promise, I'll bring it for you tomorrow.

"Madhav, do you know what happened today." Urmilla stated with a look of surprise.

"I don't know. You tell me."

"A miracle took place today."

"When Pandit Ji opened the temple today, Murlidhar was covered in curd. His mouth, hands and clothes, everything was covered in curd." Urmilla narrated. "The chief Pandit ji started crying because he thought he didn't give Murlidhar enough food, so he had to steal and eat curds."

Madhav smiled.

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