chapter two

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To be happy always is something which is difficult to achieve. That is to say, happiness and sorrow alternate in one's life and there cannot be uninterrupted happiness alone.

 That is to say, happiness and sorrow alternate in one's life and there cannot be uninterrupted happiness alone

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"Radha's here! Back to work everyone." A woman informed her colleagues who put aside their distractions and pulled out their work books.

Radha's footsteps echoed loudly in the silent corridor, sending a shiver down everyone's spine. "Good morning everyone." She greeted in a passive tone. "I hope you are teaching your students well."

"Yes ma'am." An elderly man answered gently. "We've completed the syllabus for the oncoming exams."

"Does anyone need to take extra classes?"

"No ma'am," the lady affirmed. "We need to get going now. It's time for class."

Everyone nodded. Avoiding her gaze, one by one, they left the room. Radha settled down in her cabin and placed a few files on her table.

"May I come in, ma'am?" A man, in his late thirties, knocked on the door.

"Come in." She said, opening the window. A small smile curved on her lips as the cool breeze blew in.

"Is the electrical work completed?"

"Ye- yes ma'am." He stammered, wiping the sweat on his face. "It was completed in the previous week itself."

"Why are you telling me this, right, now?" She shot a glare at him, making him shudder. Sealing his lips, he stared at the ground, his hands held behind his back.

Letting out a loud breath, she questioned, "Do you need something?"

"Nothing. I -" He stammered.

"Be quick. I have no time to waste." She warned, glancing at her watch.

"I was here for my salary. I- I mean, everyone's salary." His voice cracked, a lump forming in his throat. He swallowed hard.

"Is it time already? Tell them to come after school and collect it."

He nodded.

"If that's all, then you can leave." She replied, picking up a book from her shelf. Turning around, he made a dash towards his cabin and put up a message in the group chat.

Picking up a few other books, she walked out of her office, towards her first class of the day. On the way, she passed through the temple of the school and turned her face away from Krishna, the deity.

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