chapter three

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Only the timid and the weak leave things to destiny but the strong and the self-confident never bank on destiny or luck.

Only the timid and the weak leave things to destiny but the strong and the self-confident never bank on destiny or luck

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Afternoon had set in. The bell rang and the students ran out of the classrooms, their bags bouncing on their backs as they ran home, happily. Some students walked out slowly, in groups, giggling with each other. Somu, along with Sumit and Inder, walked out giggling.

"Somu, don't you think Radha ma'am punished you for no reason."

"No. It was my fault. I should have carried an extra pen." Somu said innocently, kicking a small pebble. The trio stopped when they saw a lad, a beautiful lad, standing under the tree in front of the school.

Madhav leaned against the tree, a small smile on his lips as he watched a few squirrels play on the branches. He carried an air of gentleness that drew the boys towards him.

"Bhaiya!" Inder beamed.

"Hi Inder. How's Rama?"

"She's good bhaiya. But why did you leave that day? We wanted to give you a mango for helping us." He pout.

"Next time maybe." Madhav replied.

"Inder," Sumit tugged his shirt. "Who is he? How do you know him?"

"Last week, when Rama and I were plucking mangoes he helped us. But he ran away before we could share the mangoes with him."

"And his name?" Somu asked.

"My name is Madhav." He answered with a smile. "Nice to meet you, Somu. And you too, Sumit."

"You know our names?" Sumit gasped dramatically. Madhav smiled in reply.

"Madhav bhaiya, come to the main park today evening. We all will play together." Inder proposed.

"Sure. Can I get a friend?"

"Yes bhaiya!" Sumit smiled. "We need to leave now. If we don't reach home on time, we won't be allowed to play in the evening."

"Okay. But," Madhav pointed towards a dusty road, "take that path home."

"That road has no trees and is full of dust. And it's very hot today." Somu frowned.

"It won't be that hot. See, that rain clouds have started coming this way."

"But it's not yet rainy season." Inder said, the trio looking at the grey clouds.

"Inder, if you keep stalling time any longer," A mischievous smile curved on Madhav's lips, "Rama will eat all your sweets."

"No!" He cried, running up the dusty path. Madhav chuckled, walking towards the school.

"All the student have gone home. Only the teachers and staff members are left." Sumit said.

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