Part 1: Despair in the World.

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It has been a few years after The Tragedy,the world has been thrown into despair and people have been infected by the Despair Virus.

In the streets hidden by some rubble,there you were sitting and holding your gun.You were once known as the Ultimate Hitman,but that dosen't matter now.

You peek through some exposed areas and see monokuma robots patrolling the area near you.You duck as one monokuma robot glances at your little hiding place.

[Y/N]: "Dammit, i hope it didn't see me."

You then hear the clanking of metal and footsteps approaching you and hear the monokuma chuckle.

[Y/N]'s thoughts: Oh God no not now please, I only have 3 bullets.

Only 3 bullets are enough to take a monokuma droid down if you shoot the eyes.The Monokuma slowly works it's way towards you, step by step.

There are at least 4 of those little bears near your area and if you kill the one approaching you, the rest will come to you.

[Y/N]'s thoughts: COME ON THINK DAMMIT WHAT CAN I DO?! If I shoot i'll die...if I run the will catch up to me and rip me too shreds unless---

You see a rock on the ground and you realize you can throw it to distract them. You pick up the rock and toss it somewhere else but not near you.

[Y/N]'s thoughts: I'm dumb why didnt i think of that sooner...oh well.

You walk away from the area going in a building a bit close by and you head inside, you enter a big room which seems to be a lobby so it's probably a hotel.(you sure?)

You walk up to a snack machine and see only 1 bag of chips left in the corner, you look around to see if any monokuma's are nearby and then you smash the glass to get the bag of chips.(suprisingly no one heard it)

You havent eaten for days and now you finally have food, you snack on it and enjoy it 'cause you might not find more food anywhere else.Once you finish your snack you proceed upstairs and you see no monokuma's.

You check each room to see if there is anything of use but only find some magazines,wrappers and some granola bars.
You check each floor until you hear metal clanking on the above you, a monokuma.

You slowly ascend the stairs and peek to see where the monokuma is...there is only one on the 6th floor but it looked different,It wore a hat which had sirens stuck to it.

[Y/N]: "It probably makes a siren if it sees a human, and it might alarm other monokuma's so i should kill it quickly."

As you peek again to see where the monokuma's position is, you see a shadow in the corner with the shape of a person.

[Y/N]: "Who is that, what are they doing here?"

You choose to ignore them and worry about the problem infront of you, the monokuma stumbled into a spot perfect for shooting the little guy in the eye.

You fire your gun quickly and it hits the monokuma right in the eye but before you shoot the other one, the siren alarm went off.

[Y/N]: "Crap, kill it."

You shot it and the monokuma got killed but the alarm won't stop, you run to a room and barricaded the door using anything you can find. You look around to see what you can use as a weapon and only found a big long piece of wood.

It was silent...then the sound of metal clanking was heard everywhere. From the roof, the stairs and the hallways.You go to the window and peek through it's curtain and you see monokuma's climbing up the building.

[Y/N]: "I-I don't want to die here, please don't come to this room."

You hear the window crash behind you and see 2 monokuma's get in. You charge with your piece of wood and hit one monkuma but the other claws your arm. You slam the wood against it and kicked it aside, as the other one gets up and charges toward you.

You smash it's eye 3 times with the piece of wood and it gets destroyed, but the other one jumps on your back and almost stabbed your back. You are tired but using your remaining strength, you grab it and throw it against the wall and you run to it smashing it's head using the long piece of wood.

[Y/N]: "Oh no, the others might have heard that."

As you say that you see something is trying to get through ramming the door to get inside. The door get rammed harder as you get ready to fight. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The thing that rammed the door finally got a small opening and it pushes the door with all it's might to get through. The thing walked in and--- it wasn't a monokuma, it was a person wearing a hooded jacket.

[Y/N]: "Y-you! Were you the one who was hiding when i shot that monokuma?"

???: Yes

[Y/N]: "W-were you infected by the despair virus?"

???: No

[Y/N]: "Who are you then?"

The person removed the hood they were wearing and it was revealed she was a girl.

???: Mukuro Ikusaba.

To be continued.......

Long chapter because yes.

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