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As the days grew colder and the leaves on the trees turned from green to their usual fall colors, Raven has started to form herself a schedule of waking up before sunrise just so Terrence and his goons could have their chance to beat the poor child; to healing herself from her injuries with her magic, and then heading to the Tree of Feelings to visit her good friend, Nightmare, without the said Guardian noticing anything. There would be times, where she would have to head home early from her visits so she can train her magic with her mother; which has been quite promising. Even though she would have times of panic when small flashes of false images of when her hands would be covered in the Guardian's blood would occur, the young mage would instantly snap out of it in time and continue with what she was doing. It was because of this training that the four year old is able to heal her injuries so well from her parents and her skeleton friend.

As they waited for All Hollows Eve to arrive, the two friends would either practice tribal dances that Raven had taught or would simply hang around the tree to read and other calming activities. Looking up at the tree, Raven noticed that the leaves never fell or changed colors; causing her to question Nightmare about it.

"It's because the Tree of Feelings is magical, so it is protected from any natural occurrences."

"What if someone twies to cut it down?"

Looking up from his book, the Guardian looked at the inquisitive child while calmly saying "It would die like any cut down tree would."

There was a moment of silence before she questioned again, "Is it twue thwat the twee is your mama?"

Nightmare silently closed his book as he thought out loud, "I guess you can say that..."

Smiling slightly at the news, Raven turned to face the tree as she gave it a heartfelt hug while whispering, "Thwank you for cweating Nightmware... he's the best thwing thwat ever happened to me!" As if reciprocating the action, the Tree of Feelings leaves shimmered with a flash of light as the black apples reflected it, making the star like spots to shine down on Raven. This action caused the stunned skeleton to stare at the child in awe as he felt as if his SOUL would burst from pure happiness. For the rest of that day, the two continued to sit against the darkest part of the tree in blissful silence; just enjoying each other's company.

When the day that Raven and Nightmare had been waiting for arrived, they were ecstatic! Of course, the young mage woke up early like usual for her agreement with Terrence, but as soon as her beatings were finished she ran back in the direction of her home to help prepare for the celebration. As she was picking vegetables from her mother's garden, Salem called out "Raven? Would you please come here for a moment? I have something for you!"

The said girl swiftly picked up the filled basket and placed it on her head while skillfully walking in the cottage.

"Yes, mama?"

Smiling gleefully at her daughter, Salem showed her a black furred cloak with matching pants and boots. But, what got Raven's attention were the two bear ears that were expertly sowed on the top of the hood of the unique outfit.

"Do you like it? This is the reason why your father took longer on his trip since the pelt belongs to a certain type of bear that only resides on the High Mountains. That are extremely hard to take down too!"

Placing the basket down and running up to give a big hug to her mother, the young girl squealed happily "I dwon't lwike it, I love it! Thwanks so mwuch, mama! Where's papa so I can thwank him too!"

Smiling in content, Salem replied "Your father is checking the traps for the last time before he starts skinning and cooking the meat for the celebration tonight. Why don't you put your new outfit on and go play with Nightmare until it's time for the festivities? Bring him some of the pastries too; I bet he hasn't eaten yet!" Too hyped up from excitement, Raven only nodded in reply before rushing to her room with her new clothes.


I was sitting on my usual spot on the tree, reading a book when a familiar voice called my name.


I turned my direction in what I expected was my friend but in her place... was a...

Bear cub?

I tilted my head in confusion but then I realized that the bear cub was Raven! I couldn't help but blush at the sight; she looked like a little bear cub while walking up the hill and in her arms was a basket filled with pastries. No doubt Salem's cooking from the delicious aroma that came from it!

I put my book away and jumped down from the branch; walking towards the adorable child with a teasing smirk. As soon as she put the basket down, I quickly scooped her up and jumped back to the branch I was relaxing on. Before she could say anything, I quickly wrapped my arms around her in a protective hold with my chin resting on top of her head.

"Nwighty? Wha-?"

"It looked like you were putting people in danger from your un'bear'able cuteness! So I had to hide you from sight!"

A muffled snort could be heard before she giggled out, "Well, thwey will have to 'bwear' with it bwecause this is my new outfit from now on!"

Letting out a mock gasp, I dramatically cried "Oh no! The townsfolk will 'bear'ly survive from your cuteness!" Bursting out in fits of giggles for a few minutes, I finally became calm enough to get a good look at what she was wearing. The hooded cloak she had on was made with black fur from the inside out to make sure it kept the person warm and had round bear ears sowed into it; underneath it she wore her usual purple shirt with the only difference was the lack of suspender/shorts. Replacing it, were black furred pants and boots that matched the rest of the material.

Overall, very impressive!

"Did your mother make this?"

Giving me a proud grin, Raven beamed "Yeah! Mama mwade everything bwut the shirt and papa hunted the bwear for it's pelt! She told me thwat it's very hard to kwill and thwat's why papa took so long coming home!"

Wow... I knew Batair is an excellent hunter but I never really knew how good. I guess he must have a lot of LV to be able to take down an animal like that... but judging on his background I would say he does. Who knew someone like Batair would be able to actually kill another sentient being...that the Starlight I know and love could have the potential to become what her father used to be...

Snapping out of my dark thoughts, I activated my magic as my eyes were engulfed by purple flames while I levitated the basket to us. Placing it in front of us, the eager child was quick to open the lid and hand me a still warm pastry. It was round in size but had a light and fluffy interior; the top drizzled with honey and dusted with sugar. With my magic still activated, I opened my mouth to reveal a pair of fangs as I took a bite of the heavenly goodness. As I was eating, I couldn't help but wonder "Does your mother use liquid magic while she cooks?"

"You mwean that spawkly glowy stuff in a bottle? Yeah! Since we're mwages, we are able to eat mwonster food and normal food! Bwut we usually prefer mwonster food since it hwelps with our mwagic."

"That's... really cool!"

Raven's face burned bright red from embarrassment but covered it up by taking a chunk of her own pastry which caused me to let out a chuckle. She stared at me while chewing with a thoughtful expression, before she blurted out "Why do you hwave fwangs?"

Now it was my turn to blush heavily as I became a flustered mess! How am I supposed to explain something like that without ruining her innocence?! That's her parents job!

"You have two options: I'll tell you when you're older or ask your parents."

"Aw, man!"

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