chapter five

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Authors note: its mattys birthday so I had to make a chapter!!! Sorry ive been slacking on this story!!!


Matt headed to the drivers seat of the car we stole earlier to go get some groceries with me. I finally get some alone time with him, after all he must think im a complete weirdo considering im a 15 year old girl who still has her baby blanket, but it was the only thing I had left to a normal life, I was not getting rid of it. Coming upon the store Matt glances over at me from time to time, his stares are starting to make me feel weird. Matt stops the car in the row closest to the door. I guess you would expect a guy who plays video games all day to be lazy.

"Hey can I ask what we're gonna get here?" Matt asked me.

"Um... anything we need thats within our 200 dollar budget," I replied.

Mello wasn't kidding when he said he saved a bunch of money.

"Can we get a game!?!" Matt asked with a look of desperation in his eyes.

"Didn't I tell you that we came here for food!"

"Who spends 200 dollars on food?"

"I'll have you know my family used too!"

"Oh... im sorry."

"What are you sorry for?"

"The life you were given."

I was taken by his words, I've heard similar phrases said to me before, but nothing struck me as hard as when he said it. I was on the verge of tears again, but like always I held them in and just kept walking.

"Its not your fault." I told him.

It was the truth it wasn't his fault my life got turned upside down, but I guess he wouldn't let it go.

"I know that, but i wish I could make it better."

I pulled off the most brightest of fake smiles I could find in me.

"But, you do make it better."

Matt smiled and looked away. I could see a faint pink on his cheeks. Soon enough the smile that was fake turned real in a matter of seconds.

   We walked into the store and grabbed a cart from the store greeter. I immediately head for the first aisle, I absolutely hated grocery shopping. Matt kept glancing at me like he did in the car it was making me uncomfortable.

"What is it, Matt?" I asked getting impatient for him to tell me.


Did he just evade my question and stutter? That was very unlike him. I would know since we've lived together for three years. I immediately turned my head away from him because that may or may not have been the cutest thing I've ever seen him do. We finish finding everything we would need for at least two weeks of food and head to the check out line. There is four to five people in front of us so this may take us awhile. I hope Mello doesn't break things because he doesn't have any chocolate. All of a sudden I hear Matt saying something and I snap out of whatever world I was in.

"Im sorry. what did you say?" I asked him.

"You know what, nevermind." He said while he started blushing for the third time in one hour. I lost it I leaned forward and kissed him, so much for our first kiss being nice. I cant believe I kissed him in a store of all places! As soon as I was about to pull away he wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed back. Oh. My. God. Mail jeevas was kissing me. What is life anymore? Before I could fully enjoy myself the old bag nag comes out of no where and bumps me.

"God these people! Making out in a store how crude!"

I instantly wanted to just shoot myself for being so stupid. As soon as i think that Matt speaks up.

"Hey! Why dont you find yourself a life you old hag?!"

I felt a sudden relief come over me that he was acting like himself. I soon remembered what I had done and turn bright red. Matt just started to laugh and suddenly turned really happy.

"You dont know how long I've wanted you to do that!" He said with a big grin.

I just stared and started to daydream about how beautiful his eyes were. It was the only time he ever had his goggles off in the three years we've been together and the were just perfect. I suddenly became okay with the fact we were in a store because there was these windows above us that made light fall on his features making him shine.

"Hey (y/n). Its our turn!" I heard him say as if nothing had happened before now. We proceeded to get our things and head to the car. I was curious if our relationship had started to take a turn for the better, but I kept my mouth shut and enjoyed the remaining time we had in the car together. I can feel the beginning of a new life preparing to start.

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