chapter four

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I ended up falling asleep in the back of the car, im positive Matt stole.  When i woke up Matt, Mello, and I were in front of a kind of small apartment building. I've always hated apartments, since I lived in one from the time I was born up until my parents got rid of me at twelve years old. I started to have a huge anxiety attack and wanted to cry really bad, but I wasn't the type of girl to ruin the mood. We got out of  the car and i knew Matt could tell there was something wrong with me. Sometimes I wish he didn't know me as well as he did because I dont like to break down in front of others.

"(Y/n) what's wrong?" Matt asked.

I love hearing my name out of his mouth, but it made me wanna cry even more.  No matter what I was feeling I just shook my head and told him nothing was wrong.

"Come on guys!" Mello practically screamed at us. Mello was always impatient, but i liked him all the same. I ended up calming myself down by breathing in the scent of Matt. I was mentally slapping myself for being such a weirdo. After my minor anxiety attack we all walked into our new apartment. It wasn't as bad as the one I lived in for 12 years of my life. I was very relieved and vowed to keep it clean. I have always been one to hate filth, but not on a germaphobic level. We put all our stuff in the drawers that had been left by the previous owner. I wondered how we could afford all this, but soon remembered Mello telling me that he had a stash of money that I should never tell anyone about. The place was decent, it had two bedrooms and two bathrooms.

"Um, where am I going to sleep?" I questioned the boys. They stood there staring at me like I was a goddess or something, to be honest it was creeping me out.

"You can share with me!" They screamed in unison.

I kind of didn't want to upset them by chosing only one, even though I knew I wanted to share with Matt, so I acted as if i wanted a room by myself. Matt told me I could have the bigger room, but I insisted they have it since there would be two people living in it. We agreed on which rooms we were taking and began to unpack. I was nervous living here with them, even though I've lived with them for three years at the orphanage. I suppose I was nervous since we always had supervision there. I got all my stuff unpacked and decided that I would go up to the store to get food. I decided it would be best to just walk to the store considering it wasn't that far and I didn't know how to drive since I was only fifteen. Matt could drive because he would beg some of the older people at wammy's to see if they could show him. I knew he only did that because Matt is obsessed with Mario kart. I laughed at the memory. I walked out of my room and told the two that I would be going to the store. Matt instantly came out of the room he was going to be sharing with Mello and raced to my side.

"I'll go with you!" Matt screamed excitedly.

Oh geez, every time someone went to the store Matt thought he'd get a new video game.

"Matt you know we cant get a video game right?" I said.

"Aw, but why not?"

"We need this money for food."

Matt looked disappointed, but decided to go anyway, he said that i needed protection and I was one of the prettiest girls he'd ever seen and didn't want me getting stolen by an evil ganondorf. I laughed at his Zelda reference because I was a gamer myself. Either way I was happy to have him come with me. We walked out the door and heard Mello screaming about getting him chocolate. It was probably a good thing I was planning on getting him some because he seemed extra angry at the moment. I had a feeling it was because he wasn't invited on our shopping trip, but I was not giving up my Matt for a second time today. Even though we were just friends I still enjoyed spending time with him. After Mello got done with his outburst, me and Matt departed on our adventure to the store.

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