Bloody November - Chapter 4

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"What?" Rajeev exclaimed, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"What do you mean, Anika?" Omkara's voice was tinged with uncertainty.

"Is Shivaay alive?" Sayani's words hung in the air, her eyes searching Anika's face for any hint of truth.

Anika couldn't contain her laughter as she watched the expressions on their faces. Her amusement bubbled over, echoing through the room as she struggled to compose herself.

After a few moments, she managed to regain her composure, wiping tears of mirth from her eyes. With a playful grin, she reassured them, "I was just joking, my dear friends."

Their collective sighs of relief filled the room, mingling with the lingering echoes of laughter. Anika's eyes twinkled mischievously as she continued, "I was actually in the room I've dedicated to Shivaay, surrounded by memories captured in countless photographs."

Anika's explanation brought a sense of clarity to the situation, dispelling the tension that had momentarily clouded their interactions.

"You scared us, Anika," Omkara admitted a hint of reproach in his voice.

Anika chuckled softly, shaking her head in amusement. "Scared? Why, Omkara?" she teased, her tone playful as she addressed his earlier question.

Their laughter filled the room, a testament to the bond they shared and the lighthearted moments that punctuated their journey together.

"Mrs. Oberoi, if a dead person came alive… it's worth being scared,” intervened Rajeev, his tone serious and contemplative.

Anika nodded in understanding, the notion of the deceased returning to life was indeed a chilling prospect, one that stirred a sense of unease among them all.

With impeccable timing, the commissioner of police had made an unexpected visit to the mansion.

Anika wasted no time in extending her renowned hospitality to the esteemed guest. She welcomed the commissioner with warmth and grace, ensuring that he lacked nothing during his visit.

Seated around the table, they delved into a discussion about the case that had brought them together. Anika listened intently as the commissioner outlined his plans, promising to dedicate his best resources to the investigation.

“And yes, Mrs. Oberoi, you and your family will be under the protection of the police,” the commissioner added, his words carrying a reassurance that was met with a collective sigh of relief from those present.

"Thank you so much, sir,” Anika expressed her gratitude as the commissioner prepared to depart.

“I’ll take your leave,” the commissioner replied, acknowledging Anika's appreciation before excusing himself.

Anika's keen observation caught Omkara lost in his thoughts, his mind preoccupied with something pressing. She approached him, concern etched on her features as she sought to understand the cause of his distraction.

As evening settled in, they sat around the dining table, their meal consumed in silence. After dinner, Anika tasked Sayani with ensuring that the reopening of the case would dominate the headlines of the following day's newspapers and television channels.

“Make sure that it's the top story in all media outlets,” Anika instructed firmly.

Observing Omkara's distant demeanor since noon, Anika approached him, sensing his inner turmoil.

“What's on your mind, Omkara?” she inquired gently.

“I've been pondering your plan to leverage the police in our investigation,” Omkara confessed, his expression troubled.

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