Bloody November - Chapter 2

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"What is it, Omkara?" Anika asked, her voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and anxiety

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"What is it, Omkara?" Anika asked, her voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and anxiety. "Read it aloud"


[Hello Mrs. Oberoi,

I have always admired the late Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi. His death has left many unanswered questions. I recently watched your interview where you mentioned that his death was not a suicide. I believe you are correct; it might be a case of manslaughter.

I suggest you re-examine the crime scene. You might discover new clues.

Remember, sometimes things are Shy, Ugly, Innocent, Crime, Intelligence, Dirty, Elegant... but they can also be Muffin, Ugly, Roadies, Diagnosed, Elegant, Radiant.

From, J.W.]

"Is she mad or something?" Rajeev blurted out, his brows furrowing in disbelief as he glanced at the letter in Omkara's hand.

Anika's expression remained composed, though a flicker of concern danced in her eyes. "Show me the letter," she requested, extending her hand towards Omkara.

Omkara passed the letter to Anika, who held it delicately between her fingers, her gaze fixed intently on the words. She read it once, then twice, her brow furrowing slightly as she absorbed the contents. Sensing her confusion, Rajeev spoke up again.

"Anika, could you read it again, please?" he requested, his voice tinged with urgency.

Anika obliged, reading the letter for the third time, then the fourth. With each repetition, the lines seemed to take on a new significance, their meaning shifting and evolving with each passing moment. Rajeev watched her closely, his eyes searching for any hint of understanding.

"Again," he urged, his tone insistent yet patient.

Anika read the letter for the fifth time, her mind racing as she tried to make sense of its cryptic message. It was as if each word held a hidden meaning, waiting to be deciphered. She was about to read it for the sixth time when Rajeev interrupted her.

"Stop," he said abruptly, his voice cutting through the silence like a knife. "Just read the last line."

Anika looked up, meeting Rajeev's gaze with a mixture of confusion and curiosity. Without a word, she focused her attention on the final line of the letter, her eyes scanning the words carefully.

"Suspicious," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

Anika's brows furrowed as she repeated the cryptic phrase, her voice tinged with both frustration and intrigue. "Shy Ugly... Muffin Ugly..."

Sayani's eyes widened in disbelief. "How mean? That girl is calling Mr. Oberoi ugly," she exclaimed, her voice laced with indignation.

Rajeev shook his head, his expression thoughtful. "No, Miss Sayani. We need to meet her if we are going to investigate this case further," he explained patiently. "But before that, we should revisit the room where Mr. Shivaay was found dead. 'Ugly' seems like a hint."

Gauri frowned, her lips pursed in skepticism. "Nonsense," she declared, her voice tinged with doubt.

Rajeev turned to face her, his eyes earnest. "Gauri, trust me. There may be more to this than meets the eye," he said firmly.

"But, Mr. Rajeev, are you suggesting that we base our investigation on the words of a mysterious letter?" Gauri countered, her tone skeptical.

Rajeev nodded, his gaze unwavering. "Exactly. Sometimes, the most unlikely clues can lead us to the truth," he replied, his voice filled with conviction.

"Not entirely," Rajeev interjected, his tone measured yet resolute.

Anika nodded, her eyes locking onto theirs with unwavering determination. "Okay, Mr. Rajeev and Miss Sayani, consider yourselves welcome guests of the Oberoi mansion until this case is resolved," she declared, her voice carrying the weight of authority.

"It's my order, and you have thirty minutes to return home and gather your belongings," she continued, her words leaving no room for argument. "Oh, and Miss Gupta, may I have your office number?" Anika requested, her tone calm yet decisive.

"Why, Mrs. Oberoi?" Sayani inquired, her brow furrowing with concern.

Anika's expression softened slightly as she explained, "I'll need to inform them that you'll be taking a temporary leave of absence for personal reasons."

Sayani's worry deepened as she contemplated the implications. "Are you certain, Mrs. Oberoi? What about my salary?" she questioned, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Anika offered her a reassuring smile. "Rest assured, Miss Gupta. Your salary will be doubled during your time away," she assured her, her voice firm yet comforting.

With a sense of purpose, Rajeev and Sayani departed the mansion, accompanied by the vigilant security guards of the Oberoi Mansion.

"I must say, these guards make me feel like I'm the prime minister," Sayani remarked to Rajeev, a hint of amusement in her voice as they walked away.

Back at the Oberoi Mansion, the atmosphere hummed with anticipation as the clock ticked away the minutes. Anika sat in the living room, her fingers tapping impatiently against the ceramic surface of her coffee cup. She glanced at the clock, her mind racing with thoughts of the impending investigation.

Gauri and Omkara joined her, their presence offering a small semblance of comfort amidst the tension that hung in the air. Gauri's reassuring words attempted to soothe Anika's nerves, while Omkara's confident demeanor mirrored her own determination.

"Sis, don't worry, they'll be here soon," Gauri reassured, her voice soft and comforting.

Omkara nodded in agreement, a reassuring smile playing on his lips. "There's no doubt they'll arrive shortly, especially with our guards escorting them," he added, his voice filled with confidence.

Anika's eyes remained fixed on the entrance, her heart pounding in anticipation. "I need them," she admitted, her voice betraying a hint of urgency.

Rajeev and Sayani's arrival interrupted the tense silence, their presence bringing a sense of relief to the room. Anika's face lit up with a smile of genuine joy as she greeted them warmly.

"Finally, you're back!" Anika exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine excitement.

Rajeev's whispered comment elicited a soft chuckle from Sayani as they exchanged amused glances. Anika raised an eyebrow inquisitively, prompting Rajeev to quickly dismiss his remark.

"No, Mrs. Oberoi, we're just happy to be here," Rajeev reassured, his tone sincere.

Anika wasted no time in giving orders, directing Omkara to show them to their rooms and familiarize them with the mansion. She emphasized the importance of punctuality, instructing them to be at the dining table promptly at 8 o'clock.

With a sense of purpose, the group dispersed, each member fully aware of the task that lay ahead.

As the clock struck eight, they assembled at the dining table, the air thick with anticipation. Anika sat at the head of the table, her gaze thoughtful as she observed her guests. The clinking of silverware against porcelain filled the room as they quietly enjoyed their meal, respecting Anika's preference for silence during dinner.

After the plates were cleared and dessert was served, they migrated to the cozy confines of the living room. Anika, ever the gracious host, broke the silence with a warm smile.

"I hope dinner was to your liking and that you're all sufficiently satiated," she remarked, her tone hospitable.

"Delicious dinner, Mrs. Oberoi," Sayani replied, her voice filled with genuine appreciation.

Anika nodded in acknowledgment, her expression one of modest satisfaction. "Thank you. Now, let's delve into the matter at hand," she declared, her tone shifting to one of seriousness.

The group nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting a shared sense of purpose.

"Before we begin, I have a question for you both, Rajeev and Sayani," Anika interjected, her gaze focused intently on them. "What do you call your mothers at home? 'Mrs. Siddhartha' and 'Mrs. Gupta'?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Rajeev and Sayani exchanged a glance, their expressions thoughtful as they considered the question.

"Nahh," Sayani chimed in, her agreement echoing Rajeev's sentiment.

Anika arched an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued by their insistence. "So why are you calling me, Mrs. Oberoi?" she inquired, her tone laced with gentle amusement.

Gauri spoke up, her voice carrying a note of familiarity. "Call her Didi," she suggested with a warm smile.

Anika chuckled, shaking her head in mock protest. "Hey, I'm not that old. Call me Anika," she insisted, her tone light yet firm.

"Okay, Anika," Sayani agreed, her voice reflecting a newfound sense of camaraderie.

"Yes, Anika,"Rajeev echoed, her tone filled with respect for their host.

As the conversation shifted to the intricacies of their plan, Sayani voiced her confusion. "Wait a sec, I understand why you had chosen Mr. Rajeev, but why me?" she questioned, her brow furrowed with uncertainty.

Anika's response was swift and decisive. "Because you're a journalist, and your skills will be invaluable to us," she explained, her confidence unwavering.

"But sis..." Gauri began, her curiosity piqued.

Anika held up a hand, silencing her with a knowing smile. "Wait, Gauri. Let me clarify," she interjected. "Since Omkara is a businessman, you're an author, Rajeev is a private investigator, and Sayani is a journalist, if we align your expertise, our tasks will be streamlined," she elaborated, her words brimming with certainty.

"How are we linked?" Omkara inquired with confusion.

Anika shook her head, a smile playing on her lips. "It's not about a direct link; it's about leveraging your individual strengths," she clarified. "For example, Sayani, as a journalist, you can help us gather information about Shivaay's footage covered by various news channels."

Omkara nodded in understanding, his expression clearing as Anika continued to explain their roles in the investigation.

Rajeev intervened, his voice calm yet assured. "I understand, Mrs. Anika," he interjected, his tone filled with confidence.

Anika nodded in acknowledgment before turning her attention to Omkara. "As for you, Omkara, you'll utilize your business resources to uncover clues related to Shivaay's business associates and rivals," she instructed, her words carrying the weight of authority.

Omkara nodded in agreement, his determination evident in his expression.

Anika turned to Gauri, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "And Gauri, you'll come into play as needed," she said cryptically, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"But, Mrs. Oberoi, in the press conference, you mentioned needing the help of the police and a law firm," Sayani pointed out, her tone laced with curiosity.

Anika nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Yes, that's the plan. By involving the police and a law firm, we'll gain access to valuable information without arousing suspicion," she explained, her voice filled with conviction.

Omkara voiced his concern, his brow furrowed with worry. "If Rajeev and Sayani are spotted, especially by the media, it could raise suspicions," he pointed out.

Anika nodded in agreement, her mind already formulating a solution. "Sayani, take a selfie with Gauri and post it on your social media, tagging Gauri," she ordered, her tone decisive.

"Omkara, do the same and caption it 'Holiday mood on,'" she instructed, her tone leaving no room for argument.


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