Bloody November - Chapter 8

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Omkara felt utterly perplexed as he watched the three women engrossed in a deep and animated conversation. Their voices overlapped, and the occasional bursts of laughter or intense whispering only added to his confusion. The concept of happiness they were discussing seemed elusive, slipping through his grasp like grains of sand.

"Guys!! I'm here," Omkara intervened, his voice rising slightly in frustration. "And where is Rajeev?"

Sayani, her expression shifting to one of concern, replied with a sigh, "In the hospital."

Omkara, feeling a sudden surge of urgency, excused himself from the conversation and headed towards the door. Anika, noticing his departure, swiftly called out to the guards. "Accompany Mr. Oberoi," she ordered.

The guards, seemingly lost in their thoughts, stared at her blankly. "Stop staring at me! Go," Anika commanded, her patience wearing thin.

One of the guards, finally snapping to attention, stammered, "Ma'am!! Mr. Oberoi..."

"Omkara Oberoi... The one who just went outside," Anika clarified, her tone sharp.

"Got you, ma'am..." The guards hurried after Omkara.

Sayani, watching the scene unfold, shook her head. "What's happening to your guards, Anika?"

"I think they are missing Shivaay," Anika replied with a wry smile.

Omkara, now flanked by fifteen guards, arrived at the hospital. The staff, mistaking him for a high-ranking official due to the formidable entourage, began saluting him. He ignored the formalities, his mind solely focused on Rajeev. Spotting a nurse who seemed new, he approached her.

"Do you know Mr. Rajeev Siddhartha's ward number?" Omkara asked, his voice tinged with desperation.

"Sorry, sir... I don't know," the nurse responded, her voice apologetic.

"What kind of hospital is this?" Omkara scolded, his frustration boiling over.

Inside the ward, Rajeev lay motionless, looking more like a shadow of himself than the vibrant person Omkara knew. Overwhelmed with emotion, Omkara sat beside him, his tears silently falling. He gently took Rajeev’s hand, his guilt weighing heavily on his heart. Suddenly, he felt a slight movement in Rajeev's hand. Startled, he called out for the doctor.

After a brief examination, the doctor emerged, a reassuring smile on his face. "Mr. Rajeev Siddhartha is stable. He’s fit to go back home," he announced.

Omkara felt a wave of relief wash over him. "We will keep him for a few days for observation," the doctor added.

"Okay! Can I go in?" Omkara asked, seeking permission.

"Yes, of course," the doctor replied.

Entering the room, Omkara found Rajeev awake, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Hey buddy," Omkara greeted, his voice thick with emotion.

"Hey," Rajeev replied weakly.

"How are you?" Omkara asked, his eyes searching Rajeev’s face for any sign of pain.

"I think I should ask you that question," Rajeev coughed lightly, his attempt at humor bringing a small smile to Omkara's face.

"Be careful," Omkara said gently, patting Rajeev's back to make him comfortable.

"I'm okay. By the way, how is Sayani?" Rajeev asked, his eyes brightening at the mention of her name.

"OooooHh! You want to know about Sayani," Omkara teased, raising an eyebrow.

"Huh! Actually..." Rajeev started, but Omkara interrupted with a grin, "Everyone is fine, including Sayani."

Rajeev sighed in relief and asked Omkara to pass the water. Omkara, wanting to comfort him further, ordered his favorite pastry and instructed one of the bodyguards to fetch it discreetly. Omkara's curiosity about the incident gnawed at him, but he hesitated to press Rajeev for details.

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