CALUM HOOD - Here's to Teenage Memories - VII

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To the very beautiful people that read this story, please vote on it! Accroding to my Calum scale, one vote's a dizzyingly yummy kiss from him - haha, we all like to pretend anyways ;) So please vote, comment and follow me! x


Kai Armstrong.

I was about to run off and follow Calum and explain to him what's really going on when someone called my name. I saw that Ashton walked off and followed Calum and all I really wanted was to go and talk to him and I was about to, until the same voice that'd called me, said my name again. I wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone but Calum right now but I didn't want to be rude to whoever it was that just called my name so I quickly spun around, determined to just talk to whoever this was for a minute at most. I was surprised to see that I was face to face with none other than Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy. "Hey beautiful, I heard the good news! Congratulations! You're trending all over right now." he gave me a peck on the cheek lingering a little too long while he whispered "I'm gonna let you in on a little secret: Fall Out Boy is playing the VS show this year; just keep it on the down low cause it hasn't been publicized yet but I guess I'll be seeing you there, missy." He pulled away and gave me a cheeky wink. I squealed in excitement, giving him a quick hug, happy for my friend "Are you serious?! That's insane, Pete!"

"Yeah, the band's really excited! We're all pumped. The VS show is great exposure for us since so many people watch it and we really need to promote our new stuff." He grinned like a little boy "Yeah, definitely, this'll be awesome for you guys. But listen, I really need to talk to someone so I'll catch you later, yeah?" I told him as I rested my hand on his shoulder. "Hey no worries, you're a popular girl right now, go and mingle, I partly came over cause' I was wondering if I could borrow Alex for a second here though cause Gabe's in town and he's been looking for your man over here and he wants to say hi to you so we'll find you later" Pete explained as he clamped a hand on Alex's shoulder. I guess news didn't reach Pete yet that Alex and I broke up already; instead of correcting him, I just chose to completely ignore his comment. "Saporta's in town?!" I grinned, thinking back to crazy nights spent with my crazy friend in New York City. Pete mirrored back my grin and just mock whispered "New York" and we both burst out laughing; thinking back to our antics a few months back.

Alex looked towards me, as if asking for permission, which just irked me to no end because we weren't together anymore so I don't understand why he needs to act like we still are. "I'll come find you later?" he asked me as he was walking off with Pete. I gave him a non-committal nod, giving him a glare because I was just pissed off about this entire situation and turned around to face the two boys that were staring daggers into me right now. "I can explain -" I began, but Luke raised his hand to block my face, "Don't bother Princess" he said the word with such hatred, it gutted me, right then and there "I think we can all read between the lines" I swatted his hand away and glared at him in return "First of all, don't put your hand in front of my face like that cause' it's rude and second of all, Alex and I are not together anymore. He's my ex-boyfriend that wants to get back together with me so you should not be in the business of assuming things when you have absolutely no clue about what's going on." Understanding dawned on the two Australian boy's faces and their glares eased up a bit, but not entirely.

"He seemed pretty chummy to be an ex-boyfriend" Mike gave me a hard look, eyes piercing through me, calculating and disbelieving. "He's trying to get back together with me, of course he's looking chummy," I cried out, exasperation obvious in my voice. "Look, I get it. You guys are looking out for your friend -" I started to say "Best friend" Luke snarled at me, his blue eyes so intense in the dim lighting of the club that it threw me off for a second. "Best friend" I gave him a pointed look "but I wasn't playing with his emotions. I am a single girl, 100 percent single; Alex was my boyfriend, but I have no intentions of getting back together with him. I broke up with him for a reason and I'm standing by those reasons. So please, just tell me where Calum went because I really want to talk to him" I looked between the two boys, pleading with them.

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