CALUM HOOD - Here's to Teenage Memories - XVI

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Kai Armstrong.

"Dad?! What the hell are you doing here?!" I exclaimed as Calum placed me back down on my feet. Luke, Michael and Ashton's faces were priceless - all three looked like they were seeing ghosts right now.

"Hey Billie-Joe!" Hailey screamed as she ran up to my dad and engulfed him in a hug, followed by Sofia, who did exactly the same thing. "Hey girls, how are you?" my dad chuckled as he patted both my friends on their backs.

"It's fucking Billie-Joe Armstrong" Michael mouthed to his friends, eyes wide, and paler than usual - if that was possible.

"Dad, why are you here?" I asked again, just as surprised as the boys of 5SOS.

"Oh, you know. I had some time to kill tonight and I thought 'why not see the band of the boy that my daughter's seeing right now' ... so that's why I'm here?" he said, a full on smirk adorning his rock and roll features, as he slung his arm around me.

"Is mom here with you?" I asked as I kissed my dad on the cheek.

"Nope, just me" he grinned. "Calum, good to see you again." He said as a way of greeting the stunned boy that I'm dating right now.

"Good to see you, sir" Calum said politely, which I thought was just the cutest thing ever. Calum is usually so self-assured that it was a little endearing to see him so nervous around my dad, but I guess, if I were to put myself in his shoes, and I was seeing my role model, then yeah, I too, would be a little flustered. And even more so if the person I'm dating is the child of the said role model so I was proud of Calum for handling himself so well around my dad. I looked over towards Michael, Ashton and Luke though and I couldn't say the same for them - they still looked shell-shocked to be in the presence of my dad.

"I think I can safely say that you can call me Billie-Joe now since you did some justice to our song there." My dad said as he clapped Calum on his shoulder.

"Yes, sir - I mean, erm, Billie-Joe" Calum said, a blush quickly spreading to his cheeks as he massaged the back of his neck.

"Aww, babe" I cooed and kissed him a few times on his cheek.

"Princess, I am still your dad your know" he joked, letting me know that it was kind of weird for him to be seeing me all couple-y with Calum. "Whoops, sorry dad" I grinned at him. He just playfully rolled his eyes.

"Oh dad, these are Calum's band mates" I gestured for the guys to step a little closer and Michael still wasn't fully with it, so Ashton had to nudge him forward, as if getting him to put one foot in front of the other had to be mandated by his friend.

"This is Luke - he's the lead singer of the band and he was the one belting out the lyrics to your song today" I said by way of introducing the good looking, blonde.

"Hi sir, it is so, incredibly surreal to meet you. This is definitely on the top five of my bucket list" Luke said humbly as he shook hands with my dad.

"Nice vocals there, man. Pretty impressed with you. Very punk rock, dude" my dad exclaimed and I swear, Luke was full on blushing, like he was actually really red. We all laughed at his reaction and he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.

"And dad, this is Ashton, he awesomely plays drums in the band" I gestured towards the grinning Aussie.

"Wow, sir. I'm just speechless. I'm so honored to meet a legend such as yourself," Ashton said, full on fangirling. He actually held on to my dad's hand a little too long for a normal handshake.

"You've got good rhythm, kid. Not many people your age can say that they've performed a Green Day song pretty well"

"Wow. I'm speechless, sir. I really don't know what to say. That's honestly one of the best compliments I have ever received and coming from a man, like yourself - I mean, wow." Ashton gushed.

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